Today: Everyday Health - What Are the Go-to Foods for a Diabetic Diet? Feb 21, 2012


ALS, Alexander Language Schools Franchise

Feb 21, 2012

Everyday Health - What Are the Go-to Foods for a Diabetic Diet? Feb 21, 2012

The best diabetes diet consists of plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains, lean meats such as fish, and moderate amounts of good fats (avocado, olive oil, omega-3). A Mediterranean diet, in particular, is full of flavor, healthful, and low in saturated fats. Shopping around the perimeter of a grocery store and avoiding the aisles containing processed foods is one way to establish good dietary habits. Many processed foods contain additional salt, sugar, and hydrogenated oils that can contribute to elevated blood glucose, blood pressure, and lipid levels. Drink plenty of water, especially during warmer weather to prevent dehydration and during episodes of hyperglycemia to help the body flush ketones (acid by-products that can occur in prolonged hyperglycemia)."
Alexander Language Schools, Franchise

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