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Dec 30, 2011

WIKILEAKS News, Dec 30, 2011

Mugabe declined US exit package: WikiLeaks
Zimbabwe Independent
According to a cable released by whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks, McGee told Goche Zimbabwe was in a transition and the US was willing to help Mugabe secure a smooth exit from office and offer him protection from possible prosecution. ...
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Dan Choi talks about Bradley Manning's WikiLeaks hearing, which raises issue ...
San Diego Gay & Lesbian News
Manning is accused of leaking tens of thousands of classified documents to Wikileaks, including a video of a military helicopter attack in Iraq that killed 11 people. Former US Army Lt. Dan Choi attended two days of the hearing before being forcibly ...
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San Diego Gay & Lesbian News
Occupy Everywhere - by James Traub
Foreign Policy (blog)
BY JAMES TRAUB | DECEMBER 30, 2011 Around this time last year, foreign-policy pundits, including me, were writing about the WikiLeaks cables. That was the big story of 2010: the truth of how US diplomacy actually operated in the world. ...
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The good, the bad and the ugly of 2011
Zimbabwe Independent
A legislator is arrested and spends part of the festive season in the slammer for calling Mugabe gay; exiled banker Nicholas Vingirayi returns and is arrested; divisive release ofWikiLeaks expose various high ranking government officials plotting ...
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U.S.-Pakistan Trust Deficit: 2011 Year in Review
A WikiLeaks cable quoted Kayani as saying the "real aim of US strategy is to de-nuclearize Pakistan." The Raymond Davis Affair – The US-Pakistani relationship took a turn for the worse when Pakistan arrested CIA operative Raymond Davis for shooting and...
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Top 10 controversial personalities of 2011
Business Recorder (blog)
He became the centre of attention in 2010 when "WikiLeaks" began leaking several confidential American diplomatic cables. Assange was slammed with allegations of sexual assault and a European arrest warrant was issued to extradite him to Sweden. ...
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Business Recorder (blog)
Why a whistle-blowing US soldier is my Man of the Year
Belfast Telegraph
Instead, he's held at a Marine Corps prison in Virginia, facing 22 charges, including aiding the enemy and violating the US Espionage Act. Manning is the private who leaked sheaves of classified material to WikiLeaks while working as an army ...
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Hackers swap tips at Berlin Chaos Communication Congress
BBC News
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is a former hacker, and his pro-transparency organisation has had very close ties with the CCC. In October this year, the club itself also revealed how some German law enforcement agencies were using spyware for the ...
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BBC News
Year in review: US downgraded and desperate in 2011
New Zealand Herald
Prosecutors allege he spoke to Julian Assange in an online chatroom as the WikiLeaksfounder helped Manning decode passwords and upload files. Despite claims that he stood with the 99 per cent, Obama agreed to temporarily sustain Bush-era tax cuts. ...
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US Weighs Releasing Taliban Commander From Gitmo as Part of Peace Talks
Fox News
According to Reuters, WikiLeaks documents also placed him at the scene of a 2001 prison riot where CIA officer Johnny Micheal Spann was killed, though it's unclear whether Fazl was involved. Any prisoner transfer would be part of a trust-building ...
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Fox News
10 Big Things to Watch in 2012
At the time I mistakenly expected the state AG investigation into foreclosure fraud to be legitimate, and number 8 on the list, “Wikileaks Takes on BofA,” was a huge whiff. The filibuster fight kind of went nowhere either. ...
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2011 witnessed the rampage of social media over internet
Moneylife Personal Finance site and magazine
Wikileaks suffered a big blow, when Mastercard, Paypal and other payment portals were blocked from its website, and donations were disabled. Julian Assange appeared more tensed during the press conference when he announced this than the day he was ...
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Al Qaeda sends fighters to Libya
CNN (blog)
And a US diplomatic cable from 2008 - published this year by WikiLeaks - told of support for extremist Islamist views in the town of Derna, which is close to where "AA" has established a presence. Entitled "Die Hard in Derna" the cable describes the ...
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Stratfor Delays Launch Of Anonymous-Hacked Web Site
In releasing a statement announcing the Stratfor break in, Anonymous called for the release of Bradley Manning, the disaffected Army intelligence analyst accused of providing reams of classified information to whistleblower site WikiLeaks. ...
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The year of living dangerously online
Irish Times
Hacktivism – using hacking as a tool for protest – began to emerge in earnest towards the end of 2010, when the group Anonymous launched denial-of-service attacks against finance companies that had pulled services from Wikileaks and made it impossible ...
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Irish Times
Chasing the game through 2011
Meanwhile, I try to convince Bin Hammam that it's in his interest to have one of his supporting countries nominate me, if only because my proposals (a Wikileaks for FIFA!) can make him look like more of a moderate. Bin Hammam smiles but passes, ...
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Hackers Dump More Stratfor Emails, Passwords
PC Magazine
Anonymous said the attack was in retaliation for the government's prosecution of Bradley Manning, who is accused of leaking confidential government documents to Wikileaks. The Pastebin note also lashed out at "corrupted politicians, establishmentarians ...
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2011—we gained net neutrality, met Aaron Barr, and bid farewell to Righthaven
Ars Technica
Within were half-baked plans to out the Anonymous "leaders," mount attacks onWikiLeaks, and help the US Chamber of Commerce go after its critics. The story officially hit the big time when comedian Stephen Colbert used our reporting on the incident as ...
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Finding the Cleanup Crew After a Messy Hack Attack
New York Times
“If anybody was any good at preventing leaks, we would have never seen WikiLeaks,” Mr. Mandia said. “The US government would have stopped it and that data would never have been dumped.” Meanwhile, Stratfor's hackers have taken to Twitter to announce ...
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What About The Other Ron Paul?
The New Civil Rights Movement
For instance, in December 2010, Paul was virtually alone in defendingWikileaks and denouncing its “hysterical” detractors. “Despite what is claimed,” he said from the floor of the House, “the information that has been so far released, ...
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The New Civil Rights Movement
Boot Hezbollah from Twitter or we sue, group says
In January, Twitter successfully appealed the Justice Department's decision to keep under seal a subpoena for account records of a member of the Icelandic Parliament with ties to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. Earlier Thursday, Twitter was ordered ...
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US push towards war with Iran could lead to World War 111 in 2012
Wikileaks released 2008 US government cables which revealed Saudi Arabia's “frequent exhortations to the US to attack Iran.” Other GCC member states share Saudi's fears of Iran, not just because of their worries over Iran's nuclear capabilities but ...
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Charamba denies Mugabe speech rap
A report by the whistle-blower website, WikiLeaks claimed the 87-year-old is battling advanced cancer while another claimed Mugabe's wife had let slip to central bank chief Gideon Gono that the Zanu PF leader was “out of it” most of the time. ...
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Passwords "nightmare" solved storing logins
Starting… as a hacker, growing as a “Wikileaks style pioneer”, when discovering unfair behavours in the company he was working for, he adopted unconventional hi tech strategies to protect clients, leaking anonymously informations to the web.
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On Occupying the New Year
Middle East Online
And let's also get behind WikiLeaks as they fight for transparency and accountability by governments and media. We need to support not only Mediachannel1, but Pacifica Radio, Progressive Radio, Bill Moyers and Laura Flanders' new shows and sites like ...
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February 2011 Voices
Royal Gazette
As a result, (the Bermuda-based) South of England Protection and Indemnity Association (SEPIA) was required to cease provision of insurance coverage for IRISL vessels' a classified US State Department document released by whistleblowersWikileaks. ...
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Scott Tilley: 2011 was an exciting and tragic tech year
Florida Today
The publication of secret documents by WikiLeaks was greeted by some as a triumph of freedom of information. The use of technology to facilitate legitimate whistleblowing is laudable, but I found the whole episode disgraceful. ...
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Internet bands together to fight SOPA
The Jersey Journal -
Plus, the bill could be used to block sites that work the way that YouTube or WikiLeaks do. The pro-SOPA forces include the Motion Picture Association of America, the Recording Industry Association of America, and the US Chamber of Commerce. ...
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The Jersey Journal -
WABC Interview about Anonymous
A principal benefit of recent hacks by "Anonymous" and WikiLeaks-like initiatives is to highlight the weaknesses of privacy protection and security systems, including national security, and undermined belief that legacy authorities can be relied upon ...
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CENSORED NEWS: Wikileaks revealed US espionage of ...
In the Censored News pick for the Best of the Best in 2011, Wikileaks claims first prize.Wikileaks exposed the US corporate schemes, espionage, promotion of mining and efforts globally to halt passage of the UN Declaration on the Rights of ...
Mugabe Declined U.S. Exit Package – Wikileaks | MyPress.SE ...
By NewsDesk - Christer Ornestad
NewsDesk - Christer Ornestad. " The worlds fastest growing news agency - make the world much smaller " When major news stories published worldwide, you will find a "tweet" at with links to the main source in matter of seconds. ...
MyPress.SE - Universal News Agency
Accused WikiLeaks whistleblower's sexual orientation raised in ...
The young Army intelligence specialist accused of leaking government secrets spent his 24th birthday in court as his lawyers argued his status as a gay soldier ...
BBC News - Wikileaks case: Soldier Bradley Manning had 'gender ...
Bradley Manning, the US soldier accused of leaking government secrets, had emotional problems and gender issues, his defence argue.
WikiLeaks, Patents, Cyber-Attacks Lead Week's Security News ...
The government's case against Bradley Manning, Juniper's patent lawsuit against Palo Alto Networks and cyber-attacks were among this week's security ...
Final Arguments in Pvt. Manning's Wikileaks Case - ABC News
After a week of testimony, Pvt. 1st class Bradley Manning's fate now lies in the hands of a military officer who will determine if he should face a court martial for ...
US officials debate charging WikiLeaks' Assange - US news ...
In presenting their case that WikiLeaks' alleged U.S. Army leaker Bradley Manning should face a court martial, military prosecutors this week revealed new ...
Hearing concludes for suspected WikiLeaks leaker - Yahoo! News
From Yahoo! News: FORT MEADE, Maryland (Reuters) - The U.S. Army intelligence analyst accused of leaking classified files to the WikiLeaks website gave ...
Private Bradley Manning court martial: Wikileaks founder Julian ...
Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks founder, has been denied a request for full legal access to the US military court where Private Bradley Manning faces court ...
World News: Prosecution begins in military WikiLeaks trial - thestar ...
Army Pfc. Bradley Manning is the accused source for the WikiLeaks website's trove of U.S. military and diplomatic secrets.
Cables on Bradley Manning's computer 'exactly matched' WikiLeaks ...
The Guardian, UK and World news, User comments, Web. News · Sport · Comment ...WikiLeaks went on to publish 251287 US embassy cables. In other parts of ...
WikiLeaks News: Blue Lantern United States Munitions List | Crikey
US State department cables released by WikiLeaks have provided dramatic revelations, writes freelancer Grahame Bowland.
Spotlight on Manning's defense in WikiLeaks case - CBS News
Former Army analyst not likely to testify on first day defense presents case in massive national security leak.
Witness Links Manning To WikiLeaks Documents : NPR
NPR News and Shows ... Hourly News Summary ... that will determine if he should face court-martial for his alleged role in the WikiLeaks classified leaks case. ...
Bradley Manning's WikiLeaks case: The larger issue
One former senior military official said it's a bit odd that Manning is the only person on the hook if the damage caused by WikiLeaks was as severe as some ...
Wikileaks Soldier 'Abused Trust' Of US Army - Sky News
US military prosecutors say the private accused of passing classified information to Wikieaks abused the trust placed in him by the army and should face a court ...

Surrender the Heart (Surrender to Destiny)Alexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-FrenchUnder the SunStealing JakeAlexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-Swedish

UNITED NATIONS News, Dec 30, 2011

2011 Year in Review: July through September
Plain Dealer (blog)
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas asks the United Nations for full UN membership for an independent Palestinian state. Sept. 25: Former Strongsville councilman Patrick Coyne is sentenced to four years and nine months in prison for taking bribes from ...
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Plain Dealer (blog)
Inclusive fashion: In a first for Pakistan, catering to the style of the ...
The Express Tribune
She added that such people are unique, powerful and impressive and expressed hope that the recently ratified United Nations Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) will open new doors for them. Special Education Director General ...
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The Express Tribune
At Least 32 Killed in Syria's Unrest, Monitors Conduct Visits
Voice of America (blog)
The United Nations estimates 5000 people have been killed since March in violence linked to Syria's unrest. Syria says armed terrorists are driving the revolt. It accuses them of killing 2000 security personnel since March.
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The GOP War on Democracy: How Conservatives Shamelessly Disenfranchise People ...
OB Rag
That is why thousands of people, led by the NAACP, marched on the New York headquarters of Koch Industries two weeks ago en route to a rally for voting rights at the United Nations. Despite the media attention showered on the Iowa caucuses, ...
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OB Rag
Video of Hilary Clinton's gay rights speech to UN released
ATV Today
Clinton, who is the Secretary for State in Obama's administration, made a speech to aUnited Nations summit in Geneva earlier this month. The speech came after America declared that its agencies will challenge the criminalisation of homosexuality and ...
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5 Things, Including Patch Apps
The Soviet Union, the world's first nation based upon Marxist socialism, replaced the Russian Empire following three years of Civil War—in which the United States, among others, sent an expeditionary force to Siberia to aid the pro-Czarist White ...
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AR Newsline Report 1794 -- Dec 30 2011:
A good example is that of the amateur radio satellite community which has been negatively affected by United States Federal Government International Traffic in Arms Regulations. These threaten radio amateurs with heavy fines or even jail sentences if ...
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Things to do 12.30.11
Muskogee Daily Phoenix
OKAY — Submit calendar items and photos by noon Wednesday for Friday's Weekend section. Please include your phone number. Email, fax (918) 684-2865 or mail to Features, PO Box 1968, Muskogee OK 74402. ...
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East Turkestan: WUC Condemns Beijing's Reporting
We call on the US, United Nations and European Union as well as the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) to raise concern with Chinese officials over the arbitrary killings and the extreme repression being carried out in East Turkestan. ...
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United Nations flag at half mast: Latest News, Videos, Photos ...
See United Nations flag at half mast Latest News, Photos, Biography, Videos and Wallpapers. United Nations flag at half mast profile on Times of India.
United Nations, Iraq reach deal on Iranian dissidents
(AP Photo/People's Mujahedeen Organization of Iran) The United Nations and the Iraqi government have reached a deal to transfer more than 3000 Iranian ...
CENSORED NEWS: United Native Americans: Occupy the United ...
An Indigenous led Movement to Decolonize and Occupy the United Nations to demand repatriations for the .... Photo: Renegade Walkers with the Wolf Pups. ...
Anne Geddes Joins United Nations' Every Woman ... - Yahoo! News
News: Anne Geddes partners with Million Moms Challenge and “Imagine Me ... Me & You” photo contest, supported in part by the United Nations Foundation, ...
Govt bans suspect carbon units - United Nations - NZ Herald News
Photo / Mark Mitchell ... which cut emissions and have been approved by a United Nations agency. ... But Business New Zealand is critical of the decision. ...
David Cook Joins United Nations Refugee Campaign -
Rocker David Cook has thrown his support behind a United Nations charity drive to raise ... Starpulse News 600 ... Photo Credits: Tommaso Boddi / PR Photos ...
The United Nations of Burnaby
In Monday's newspaper ... Photos: 10 tumultuous celebrity divorces of 2011 · Photos: Music's top female moneymakers .... The United Nations of Burnaby ...
Philip's surgery interrupts royal holiday - United Press International
Queen Elizabeth II addresses the United Nations ... husband of Queen Elizabeth II of Britain, at the United Nations in New York, July 6, 2010. ... UPI News Photos ...
David Cook | David Cook Joins United Nations Refugee Campaign ...
Picture: David Cook at the Chris Evert/Raymond James Pro-Celebrity Tennis Classic ...Rocker David Cook has thrown his support behind a United Nations charity drive to ...for many these actions are not news worthy but he sure is making a ...
US: UN Condemnations of Israel Don't Help - Global Agenda - News ...
Israel news photo: US State Department. The United States maintained its stance Wednesday that the only way to deal with the situation in Judea and Samaria ...
United Nations - daily news and current events - Archive
United Nations News ... NewsHour: Kofi Annan · News and Views at the UnitedNations ... (Photo: AP / Korean Central News Agency via Korea News Service) ...
Picture: 8.6% unemployment rate in United States, December 2011
Crédits photo : JASON REED/REUTERS. ... 30, 2011 | United Nations Daily News | Quid Pro Quo: Builders, Politicians, and... Login Register. CONNECT WITH: ...
U.N. passes leaner '12-'13 budget amid economic woes | World ...
United Nations Attendees pose for a group picture at the opening of the Fourth United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) Forum in Doha December 11, ...
"United Nations Millennium Development Goals charity ... - Agile News
"United Nations Millennium Development Goals charity theme activities" launched in ...Photo: "Three silly" Broadway box office ten million long-term show high ...
U.N. unfreezes assets of 2 Libyan banks - CBS News
CBS World ... (Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images). (AP). UNITED NATIONS- The U.N. Security Council on Friday ordered assets of two Libyan banks ...
Photo: United Nations lowered to half mast for the late North Korean ...
China news agency, United Nations, December 28 (Reporter Sun Yuting) ... Photo:United Nations lowered to half mast for the late North Korean leader Kim ...
Top news photos for Dec. 19 | Mercury News Media Center
Giant panda, Brazilian Santa and mourning a dictator's death in the top news ... as turbulence in Europe and the United States hit demand for Chinese exports. ...
U.N. approves lower budget - - Salt Lake City, Utah News
Images. File photo of the flag of the United Nations. (Inergize Digital). UNITEDNATIONS (AP) — The General Assembly has approved a budget of $5.15 billion ...
Afghans load a sack of coal on a - Photo from AP Photo - News ...
Photos. Next ». Afghans load a sack of coal on a cart during a winter assistance ...Flags of United Nations, left, and South Korea flutter over the barbed-wire ...
Arabs may take Syria peace plan to United Nations - Yahoo! News
News: BEIRUT (Reuters) - Arab states may take their proposals for ending Syria's ...The United Nations says Assad's crackdown on the protests, inspired by uprisings across ... In this Saturday, June 4, 2011 photo, U.S. Army Chief Spc. Jenny ...
Surrender the Heart (Surrender to Destiny)Alexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-FrenchUnder the SunStealing JakeAlexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-Swedish