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Oct 17, 2010


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CPC Central Committee starts session to determine next five-year development

BEIJING, Oct. 15 (Xinhua) -- The 17th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) opened its fifth plenary session in Beijing Friday to discuss the nation's next five-year development plan.

Search for 16 missing continues after gas leak kills 21 miners in central China

Rescuers descend underground at the coal mine in Yuzhou City, central China's Henan Province, Oct. 16, 2010. A gas explosion hit coal mine owned by Pingyu Coal & Electric Co. Ltd. at about 6 a.m.(2200 GMT Friday) in Yuzhou City, leaving at least 21 miners killed and 16 missing. The rescue was still underway. (Xinhua/Zhu Xiang)
YUZHOU, Henan, Oct. 16 (Xinhua) -- Scores of rescuers on Saturday night slowly made their way through ..

Officials highlight importance of culture in China-U.S. relations

Chinese Vice Culture Minister Wang Wenzhang addresses the open ceremony of the Second U.S.-China Cultural Forum in University of California, Berkeley, the United States, Oct. 15, 2010. (Xinhua/Liu Yilin)

Soil erosion continues on China's Qinghai-Tibetan plateau: scientists

XINING, Oct. 16 (Xinhua) -- Soil erosion on Qinghai-Tibetan plateau's wetlands and meadow continues despite tremendous government efforts to repair the ecological systems there, scientists said.

China expresses "regret" at U.S. investigation into Chinese clean energy policies

BEIJING, Oct. 16 (Xinhua) -- China's Ministry of Commerce (MOC) Saturday expressed "regret" over a U.S. government decision to investigate China's renewable energy policies, and said it would defend its interests in accordance with World Trade Organization (WTO) rules.

China expresses deep concern over Japanese right-wing demonstration at Chinese Embassy

BEIJING, Oct. 16 (Xinhua) -- China expressed its deep concern over Japanese right-wing demonstration at the Chinese Embassy in Tokyo on Saturday, said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu.

10 killed, 34 wounded after passenger bus plunges over bridge in NW China

XINING, Oct. 16 (Xinhua) -- Ten people died while 34 others were injured after a passenger bus plunged over a bridge in a mountainous region in northwest China's Qinghai province on Saturday, local police said.

Death toll rises to 26 in central China coal mine accident; 11 still trapped

A worker walks past the gate of Pingyu Coal & Electric Co. Ltd. in Yuzhou, central China's Henan Province, Oct. 17, 2010.(Xinhua/Zhu Xiang)
YUZHOU, Henan, Oct. 17 (Xinhua) -- The death toll from a coal mine gas leak in central China's Henan Province has risen to 26 as of Sunday morning as five more bodies were found, rescue headquarters said.
Posted by Alexander Inter. Sunday, October 17, 2010

China braces for strongest typhoon this year: forecast

BEIJING, Oct. 17 (Xinhua) -- China is expected to battle the strongest typhoon this year as Typhoon Megi intensified into a super typhoon Sunday, China's National Meteorological Center (NMC) said in a statement.

Record number of visitors swarm into Shanghai Expo site

Tourists watch performance at the Asia Theatre of the World Expo Park in Shanghai, east China, Oct. 16, 2010. (Xinhua/Pei Xin)
SHANGHAI, Oct. 16 (Xinhua) -- A total of 1.03 million people visited the Shanghai World Exposition on Saturday, a record number since the Expo opened. The total number also exceeded an earlier record.

China's GDP to grow about 9 pct next year as challenges remain: scholar

BEIJING, Oct. 16 (Xinhua) - China's gross domestic product (GDP) will grow about 9 percent next year, but the economy will be challenged by rising labor costs, liquidity problems and difficulty in sustaining rapid growth in the long run, a senior researcher at the country's top think-tank said Saturday.

Oct 16, 2010

News Online from Australia & the World, News Au

DJs win comes with a costly price

KRISTY Fraser-Kirk set to lose a third of claim in legal fees, while Mark McInnes' reputation is ruined.

Aussie dollar set to soar over greenback

THE Aussie dollar is predicted to hit $US1.10 within a month as economy grows even stronger.

Boxer sent home over Delhi 'indiscretion'

damian hooper
AMATEUR boxer Damian Hopper allegedly dropped trousers in front of an official in Games scandal.

Six-star daycare centre a bit rich for kids

Building blocks
FIRM to offer on-site chefs and handmade cots after promoting itself as the "BMW of childcare".

Rivals plate up fresh menu in ratings war

Neil Perry
VIEWERS will be treated to new shows, from Iron Chef to CSI, as networks do battle in ratings final.

The Peoples Voice News


Eighteen months ago, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Jason Kenney blocked then-British MP George Galloway from Canada, labeling him a terror supporter and a national security risk. At the time, Galloway was scheduled to appear in four Canadian cities on a speaking tour called “Resisting War: from Gaza to Afghanistan.”


As he watched the Iranian President blow kisses to cleaning workers at Beirut’s airport during his departure for Iran early this morning, a Lebanese Christian historian commented “This Persian’s glory at the moment is arguably greater than Caesars following Rome’s second conquest of Britain”.

Permalink Sarkozy mobilizes riot police to break French oil strike

The French government on Friday ordered CRS riot police to disperse workers occupying the strategic Fos-Lavéra oil depot near Marseille. Similar attacks were carried out at depots in Cournon d’Auvergne in central France and Ambès on the southwestern coast. Port, transport and energy workers, joined by high school students around the country, are striking to oppose the deeply unpopular austerity policies of President Nicolas Sarkozy.

Permalink The Uses and Misuses of Intelligence in Four US Wars

President Harry S. Truman created the Central Intelligence Agency in 1947 to ensure that the policy community would have access to independent intelligence analysis that was free of the policy advocacy of the Department of State and the Department of Defense. The CIA's most important analytic mission was the production of national intelligence estimates (NIEs) and assessments that tracked significant political and military developments and provided premonitory intelligence on looming threats and confrontations.

Permalink Holder: US will enforce marijuana laws despite how Californians may vote

Less than three weeks before California voters hit the polls, the Justice Department issued a preemptive message concerning a ballot measure making worldwide headlines. "Attorney General Eric Holder says the federal government will enforce its marijuana laws in California even if the state's voters approve a ballot measure to legalize the drug," Pete Yost reports for the Associated Press.

Permalink Deportee asked for help on flight before dying, witness says - Audio

On Thursday two passengers told the Guardian that guards placed Mubenga in handcuffs and heavily restrained him while the aircraft was still on the runway. One said Mubenga complained of breathing problems before passing out. Michael said he heard Mubenga complain he was unable to breathe. "I'm pretty sure it will turn out to be asphyxiation," he said. "The last thing we heard the man say was he couldn't breathe. We had three security guards and each one of them looked like they weighed 100kg plus, bearing down and holding him down – from what I could see below the seats." Michael described as "completely false" the official accounts of Mubenga's death, released by the Home Office and G4S on Wednesday.

Permalink Haiti's 1.3 Million Camp Dwellers Waiting in Vain

Rosie Benjamin is just one of over 1.3 million people living in Haiti's 1,354 squalid refugee camps. She and 1,200 others are jammed into 300 tents and plastic tarp-shacks on a soccer field in Grand Goâve. Like about 70 percent of Haiti's refugee camps, the residents here are on their own. Apart from water deliveries, they get nothing from the government and the massive humanitarian apparatus on the ground. No food. No jobs. And no news about their future.

Permalink What's It All About? The War on Terror

Does anyone remember the “cakewalk war” that would last six weeks, cost $50-$60 billion, and be paid for out of Iraqi oil revenues? Does anyone remember that White House economist Lawrence Lindsey was fired by Dubya because Lindsey estimated that the Iraq war could cost as much as $200 billion? Lindsey was fired for over-estimating the cost of a war that, according to Joseph Stiglitz and Linda Bilmes, has cost 15 times more than Lindsey estimated. And the US still has 50,000 troops in Iraq.

Permalink Deliberately Engineered Economic Collapse in USA Leading to Martial Law

With the US Government preparing to seize private and public pensions in order to bankrupt the American People and bring them down into poverty as part of their Full Spectrum Dominance plans, the risk of American society collapsing into anarchy and rioting is extremely high over the next few months. Plans have already been in place for the past twenty-six years with Rex 84 to bring the USA under Martial Law in such an eventuality.

Permalink Strike cuts fuel to Paris airports

Refinery workers cut off supply to capital's airports as protesters step up action against pension plans. High-school students have joined the protests against the government's pension-overhaul plans. Striking French oil-refinery workers have cut the fuel supply to Paris airports, raising fears of a fuel shortage. Fuel depots were blockaded by protesters on Friday in a bid to reverse the government's plans to raise the retirement age. The pipeline supplying Paris stopped operating because of strikes at northern refineries, a source at the company operating the pipeline said. Fuel distributors said several hundred filling stations had been shut because their supplies had run out, reportedly prompting panic buying among motorists.


Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad waves to the crowds from the sunroof of his SUV upon his arrival in Lebanon on Wednesday. Thousands of cheering Lebanese welcomed the Iranian President, throwing rose petals and sweets at his motorcade at the start of his visit. AP

Permalink The White House and the US mortgage racket

The Obama administration has rejected calls for a moratorium on home foreclosures despite revelations that banks illegally processed mortgage documents to speed up the eviction of families and seizure of their homes. Nothing could more clearly demonstrate the class interests served by the White House. Major banks have systematically broken the law, victimizing an unknown number of families, and the Obama administration responds by shielding the criminals.

Permalink US jobless claims rise

The number of Americans filing first-time applications for unemployment benefits rose unexpectedly last week, the Labor Department reported Thursday. Jobless claims increased by 13,000 to 462,000 in the week ended October 9, confounding economists' projections that claims would hold at 445,000. The four-week moving average of claims also rose, increasing to 459,000 from 456,750. It was the first rise in the four-week measure since the week ended August 21. Economists consider any figure above 400,000 indicative of an economy that is failing to generate sufficient jobs to reduce unemployment.

Permalink Hillary Clinton 'worried' by UK defence cuts

US secretary of state says plans to cut the Ministry of Defence budget by 10% concern Washington. The US has made an eleventh hour intervention in the highly charged defence review as Britain's top military brass launched a last ditch attempt to persuade David Cameron to water down the cuts.

Cashing in on Canada: Four Ways to Profit - Big - From the World's "Safest Economy"

Canada is more than just back bacon, maple syrup, and hardscrabble-mining claims. It's a leader in natural resources, precious metals, and such alternative-energy investments as oil sands.

Kent Moors Energy Advantage

Wall Street is for children. Houston is for grown-ups… except that… the exclusive Petroleum Club of Houston isn’t accepting new members.

Currency War: China Stands Firm on Yuan as Global Criticism Escalates

Germany and Japan are joining the U.S. in pressuring Beijing to let the yuan appreciate to prevent an international currency war from spiraling out of control. Still, China remains firm that a gradual rate change is all it will allow.

German Economy Minister Rainer Bruederle warned yesterday (Wednesday) that a trade war could erupt if China didn't float its currency for a more fair value. As the China-U.S. currency tensions have heated up, other countries are saying China's unfair trade advantage is threatening export-driven recoveries around the globe.

The Biotech Breakthrough of 2010

Carla not welcome at Vatican

Carla Sarkozy. Photo / AP
Carla Sarkozy. Photo / AP
Pope Benedict XVI told President Nicolas Sarkozy of France that his wife Carla was not welcome on his recent visit to the Vatican as Italian media might publish racy photos of the French first lady, it was reported in France.
According to Le Canard Enchané, Vatican officials sent the French ambassador a message concerning the Italian-born supermodel's presence during her husband's ..

Iron discipline key for Los 33

The last miner to be rescued, Luis Urzua, center, gestures as Chile's President Sebastian Pinera, right, looks on. Photo / AP.
The last miner to be rescued, Luis Urzua, center, gestures as Chile's President Sebastian Pinera, right, looks on. Photo / AP.
They may not take kindly to being called fortunate, given the fear and discomfort they endured for 70 days.
But from the moment they were trapped underground, the 33 men in the San Jose mine benefited from crucial strokes of good luck. The rockfall that trapped them ..

Govt troops accused of rape

A Rwandan Hutu rebel gropes a local woman as he passes her on a crowded mountain path in eastern Congo. Photo / AP.
A Rwandan Hutu rebel gropes a local woman as he passes her on a crowded mountain path in eastern Congo. Photo / AP.
A Rwandan Hutu rebel gropes a local woman as he passes her on a crowded mountain path in eastern Congo. Photo / AP. Shrink
A Rwandan Hutu rebel gropes a local woman as he passes her on a crowded mountain path in eastern Congo. Photo / AP.

Chinese mine explosion kills 20

A dawn explosion in a Chinese coal mine killed 20 and trapped 17 workers underground Saturday in the country's central region, a national work safety official said.

Swiss celebrate world's longest tunnel breakthrough

Miners celebrate after the tunnel drilling machine 'Sissi' breaks through the last section of the Gotthard Base Tunnel near Sedrun in the canton of Grisons, Switzerland. Photo / AP
Miners celebrate after the tunnel drilling machine 'Sissi' breaks through the last section of the Gotthard Base Tunnel near Sedrun in the canton of Grisons, Switzerland. Photo / AP
SEDRUN, Switzerland - Workers hugged, cheered and set off fireworks as the huge drill broke through the last stretch of rock deep in the Swiss Alps. There was delight .

North Korea threatens '1,000-fold' increase in weapons- NZ Herald News

Kim Kye Gwan. Photo / AP
Kim Kye Gwan. Photo / AP
North Korea's media on Saturday threatened a "1,000-fold" military buildup as the United States ruled out lifting sanctions to try to coax Pyongyang into resuming talks aimed at its nuclear weapons programs.
Last year, North Korea quit the nuclear disarmament talks and later tested an atomic device that drew tightened UN sanctions. But the North has recently expressed willingness to rejoin the ..