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Oct 23, 2010

Audrina Patridge: Having "So Much Fun" on DWTS

Bringing an end to the week with another day of dancing duties, Audrina Patridge was spotted looking toned and healthy in Beverly Hills on Friday (October 22).
The former "Hills" hottie packed in a workout to go with her now-regular stop at the studio to practice her steps with "Dancing with the Stars" partner Tony Dovolani.

Lindsay Lohan: Betty Ford Center is Too Expensive

While she's surely happy to have avoided more time behind bars, Lindsay Lohan is having a tough time figuring out how she'll afford her lengthy ordered stay at the Betty Ford Center.
With Judge Elden Fox requiring the "Mean Girls" star to continue inpatient treatment until January 3, Lohan is said to be in a pinch when it comes to funding the expected $53,000 pricetag.

Ashley Tisdale: Toluca Lake Coffee Kickstart

Having made the trip back home from Vancouver the previous evening, Ashley Tisdale was up and about early on Saturday morning (October 23) in Toluca Lake, CA.
Dressed casually in a yellow hoodie with blue sweats, the former "High School Musical" actress popped into the local Starbucks for a java boost as she readied for a long day ahead.

Amanda Seyfried: Pumpkin Picking Princess

Getting into the holiday spirit, Amanda Seyfried was busy seeking out the perfect pumpkin at Moe's Flowers in West Hollywood on Friday afternoon (October 22).
Making the stop after an hour long session at celebrity trainer Harley Pasternak's place, the "Dear John" actress then drove to the popular flower vendor for her Halloween-time decoration needs.

Kim and Kourtney Kardashian: SoHo Sisters

Getting the weekend underway, Kim and Kourtney Kardashian were spotted out and about in SoHo, New York on Saturday morning (October 23).
The E! reality sisters were both bundled up for the chilly weather as they headed off to tend to the day's errands ahead of Kim's official birthday bash being held later tonight.

Prince William and Kate Middleton Hit Harry Meade's Wedding

While they've been rumored to be in the planning stages for their own nuptials, Prince William and Kate Middleton stepped out as guests at a wedding held in Northleach, Gloucestershire on Saturday (October 23).
The lovely couple walked along side-by-side as they readied to watch on while William's longtime friend Harry Meade exchanged vows with his lovely bride, Rosie Bradford.

How Smoking Affects the Teeth, Face, Lips, Skin & Breasts, Oct 23, 2010

Which Twin Is the Smoker?
Maybe there is no fountain of youth, but there is a surefire way to make yourself look older. Smoking changes the skin, teeth, and hair in ways that can add years to your looks. It also affects everything from your fertility to the strength of your heart, lungs, and bones. Take a look at these side-by-side photos. Can you pick out the smoker? Check your pick and get a closer look on the next

Despite Record Gold Prices, Your Holdings May be Worth Less Than You Think

Record gold prices are becoming an almost-daily headline, with the "yellow metal" making a run at $1,400 an ounce. And while this is great for the investors who are along for the ride, there is an important caveat - your gold may not be worth as much as you think it is.

Oct 22, 2010

Yahoo News

Marathon celebrates 2,500th anniversary

# 12,500 runners are set to take part in the Oct. 31 race in Greece.
Associated Press Writer
AP Photo/Petros Giannakouris
Summer Olympics marathon commemorates the path of the warrior Phidippides, who is said to have run from the battlefield in Marathon to Athens in 490 B.C. with word that the Greeks had defeated the Persian Army.
ATHENS, Greece — A record 12,500 runners are set to take part in the Athens Classic Marathon on Oct. 31, which will mark 2,500 years since the Battle of Marathon.

2010 Athens Classic Marathon 2500th anniversary Phiedippides run

The 2010 Athens Classic Marathon commemorates the 2500th anniversary of Phiedippides' 40 km (25 mile) run from the battle field of Marathon to Athens to announce the defeat of an invading Persian force. Historians differ on the month of the feat that gave rise to the long-distance foot race called the marathon, but they agree on the year -- 490 BC. After running the

Anniversary Event for the Battle of Marathon at the Capitol

An event at the Capitol in Washington DC, entitled “Marathon : 2500 years later”, is co-organized today, Friday, by SAE USA Region, the Hellenic – American Educators Federation and the Educational Office of the Greek Embassy, dedicated to the historical 2500 year anniversary, since the Battle of Marathon.

Battle of Marathon events

Events marking the 2,500th anniversary since the Battle of Marathon - a battle whose outcome is regarded as having changed the course of European history and the western world - will culminate with the 28th Athens Classic Marathon on October 31, in which more than 20,000 athletes from every part of the world are expected to take part.

CERN scientists eye parallel universe breakthrough

GENEVA, Switzerland - Physicists probing the origins of the cosmos hope that next year they will turn up the first proofs of the existence of concepts long dear to science-fiction writers such as hidden worlds and extra dimensions.

Tokyo says Japan and China should avoid tit-for-tat

A Shinto priest prepares for a visit by a group of Japanese lawmakers at the Yasukuni Shrine for war dead in Tokyo August 15, 2010, on the 65th anniversary of Japan's surrender in World War Two. REUTERS/Yuriko Nakao
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan and China should focus on the big picture and avoid tit-for-tat recriminations, Japan's chief cabinet secretary said on Friday, as public protests and sharp comments by senior officials suggested mounting tensions between Asia's two biggest economies.

Bombs against soldiers, mosque kill 9 in Pakistan

Bomb blast at Pakistani mosque kills two
AFP/File – A Pakistani soldier stands beside a mosque destroyed in a suicide car bomb attack on the outskirts of …
By RIAZ KHAN and MUNIR AHMED, Associated Press Writers Riaz Khan And Munir Ahmed, Associated Press Writers – 28 mins ago
PESHAWAR, Pakistan – Bomb attacks in northwestern Pakistan killed nine people Friday, including three worshippers at a mosque and a group of soldiers traveling through an area the military had pounded in ..

BBC News - French police break key strike blockade near Paris

The BBC's Christian Fraser said riot police had "wrestled back control" of the refinery as they clashed with protesters
Clashes have broken out outside a major oil refinery in France after riot police moved in to clear strikers who blockaded the terminal for 10 days.

Death toll from Vietnam floods hits 75

People move by boat in a flooded street in Ha Tinh city, Vietnam. Photo / AP

The death toll from severe flooding in central Vietnam has climbed to 75, including 14 victims from a bus swept off the road by strong currents with six passengers still missing, disaster officials said Friday.
Sixteen more bodies have been pulled from flooded areas across four provinces since Thursday, officials said. Rescuers also pulled

French police break fuel depot blockade

Trade unions condemn the intervention by police at a refinery at Grandpuit, 30 miles from Paris, and vow to continue industrial action over plans to raise the retirement age to 62 Link to this video

Video: French strikes and protests: Police smash fuel depot blockade

Trade unions condemn the intervention by police at a refinery at Grandpuit, 30 miles from Paris, and vow to continue industrial action over plans to raise the retirement age to 62

US 'to cut aid to Pakistan army units over abuse'

Pakistani army soldiers patrol a street in Miranshah, the main North Waziristan town along the Pakistan: US 'to cut aid to Pakistan army units over abuse'
Pakistani army soldiers patrol a street in Miranshah, the main North Waziristan town along the Pakistan Photo: AFP/GETTY
The aid cuts are the latest in a series of developments highlighting the uneasy relationship between Washington and its vital ally, sometimes seen as hindering the fight against al-Qaeda.

Egypt's Mubarak to seek sixth term: party official

A file photograph shows Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak during his meeting with Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri (unseen) in Cairo, Egypt. Picture: EPAA file photograph shows Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak during his meeting with Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri (unseen) in Cairo, Egypt. Picture: EPA

135 dead, 1,500 sick from cholera in Haiti: Official

135 dead, 1,500 sick from cholera in Haiti: Official 
PORT-AU-PRINCE: A cholera epidemic in northern Haiti has claimed 135 lives and infected 1,500 people over the last few days, Claude Surena, president of the Haitian Medical Association, said Thursday.
"According to the results of the analysis carried out in the laboratory it is cholera," Surena told AFP, adding that a government statement on the health crisis was imminent.

Yahoo News, Oct 22, 2010

Oct 21, 2010

UK Banks May Launch Large Small Biz Fund | SmallBusinessNewz

A very large investment fund, created by a number of important banks for the sole purpose of providing loans to small businesses, may be on the way. Rumor has it UK banks could even launch the fund next week.

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Diarrhea outbreak kills nearly 50 in central Haiti

(Reuters) - An outbreak of severe diarrhea in central Haiti has killed nearly 50 people in recent days and more than 450 have been hospitalized, a senior Haitian health official said on Thursday.

Activity detected at North Korea nuclear test site

A satellite image of Yongbyon, North Korea, released by DigitalGlobe in May 2009. REUTERS/DigitalGlobe/Handout
A satellite image of Yongbyon, North Korea, released by DigitalGlobe in May 2009.
Credit: Reuters/DigitalGlobe/Handout
By Jeremy Laurence
SEOUL | Thu Oct 21, 2010 8:30am EDT
SEOUL (Reuters) - A U.S. satellite has detected increased activity at a North Korean nuclear weapons test site, suggesting it could be preparing for a third test, a South Korean government source was quoted as saying on Thursday.

Spanish smoking ban goes into effect

Spanish smokers faced a wrenching change New Year’s Day as a nationwide ban on tobacco in the workplace came into force in a country known for its smoky bars.

It became illegal to smoke in office buildings, shopping malls, cultural centers and public transportation, among other indoor spaces. Bars and restaurants with more than 1,100 square feet of floor space now must have nonsmoking areas, the first step in a process that will eventually require the areas to be physically sealed off from the rest of the establishment.

Appeals court stays ruling on gays in military

A participant waves a flag during a gay rights demonstration in Washington October 11, 2009. REUTERS/Molly Riley
By Peter Henderson
SAN FRANCISCO | Thu Oct 21, 2010 3:49am EDT
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A federal appeals court ruled on Wednesday that the Pentagon may temporarily reinstate a ban on openly gay men and women in uniform while a lengthier stay in favor of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy is considered.

Afghan peace council to offer concessions to Taliban

U.S. Marines from 1st Battalion 8th Marines head out on patrol from an outpost at Kunjak in southern Afghanistan's Helmand province, October 21, 2010. REUTERS/Finbarr O'Reilly
By Sayed Salahuddin
KABUL | Thu Oct 21, 2010 1:19pm EDT
KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's new peace council said on Thursday it would be willing to make concessions to bring insurgents to the negotiating table, and called for Saudi Arabia's help in mediating peace talks.

French unions call two more days of protests

A French high school student shouts slogans during a demonstration over pension reform in Paris October 21, 2010. REUTERS/Charles Platiau
A French high school student shouts slogans during a demonstration over pension reform in Paris October 21, 2010.
Credit: Reuters/Charles Platiau

France inflamed but Sarkozy firm (02:05) Report
PARIS | Thu Oct 21, 2010 1:14pm EDT
PARIS (Reuters) - France's main unions called for two more days of protests against a government pension reform bill that is due for a final vote in the Senate this week.
Protests would take place on October 28 and November 6, they said.
(Reporting by Jean Baptiste Vey; Editing by Peter Graff)

Thousands of Germans opt out of Google Street View

Google Street View camera car, AFP
Protests have greeted Google's Street View camera cars in Germany
Almost 250,000 Germans have told Google to blur pictures of their homes on the Street View service.

Money Morning Mailbag: When Investing in Precious Metals, 'Physical Metal' Isn't Always Better

If there's one thing that I've discovered in my careers as a hedge-fund manager, investment advisor and financial columnist, it's this: Whenever you pitch a stock that has something to do with mining or metals, you'll always hear the argument that "physical metal is better."

The Peoples Voice News

Permalink What the U.S. Undid for Women in Iraq

The U.S.-led invasion and then occupation of Iraq brought a sharp setback to the rights of women in that country, UNFPA head Thoraya Obaid tells IPS in an interview. The view that Muslim societies are necessarily backward on the position of women arises from stereotyping, she says. And she speaks of herself as a Muslim woman who does not fit the stereotype.

Permalink France Erupts Sarkozy Under Siege

The French are deeply unhappy with the way they have been governed, but their main grievance is about pension reform, which is seen as a cynical ploy to make ordinary people work more for inferior entitlements, while bailed-out bankers and the rich get tax rebates and continue to enjoy the high life.

Permalink US-trained cartel terrorises Mexico

Founders of the Zetas drug gang learned special forces techniques at Ft. Bragg before waging a campaign of carnage. Despite the deployment of 50,000 troops, Mexico seems to be losing the 'war on drugs' It was a brutal massacre even by the gruesome standards of Mexico’s drug war: 72 migrant workers gunned down by the "Zetas" - arguably the country’s most violent cartel - and left rotting in a pile outside a ranch in Tamaulipas state near the US border in late August.

Permalink UK announces 490,000 job cuts

Harshest austerity measures since second world war unveiled as public spending is slashed to deal with country's debts. Osborne said that the job losses were 'unavoidable when the country has run out of money'. Britain will cut 490,000 public sector jobs over four years under austerity measures designed to reduce the country's record deficit. George Osborne, the finance minister, told parliament on Wednesday that the job losses were "unavoidable when the country has run out of money". "Today is the day that Britain steps back from the brink. It is a hard road but it leads to a better future," he said.

Permalink Showcasing the Crude, the Violent and the Aberrant The Media and the Far Right

Last Sunday in the October 10, 2010 New York Times, two very lengthy features appeared on the rancid Ann Coulter and the blogger Pamela Geller—a grotesque anti-Semite against Arabs who flaunts her sweeping bigotry as a badge of pride. Geller even called herself a ‘racist-Islamophobic-anti-Muslim-bigot’. One veteran reporter called the sprawling two page feature, with all of twenty color photos “an advertisement.”

Permalink A new stage in the war on dissent

Michael Ratner is the president of the Center for Constitutional Rights, a leading organization in opposing the dismantling of civil liberties under the Bush, and now Obama, administrations. He spoke with Nicole Colson about the recent raids on the homes and offices of antiwar and socialist activists in Chicago, Minneapolis and North Carolina--and why the Obama administration, despite claims to the contrary, has been disastrous when it comes to promises to protect our civil liberties.

Permalink The French strike wave: A new stage in the class struggle

The strikes and mass demonstrations in France against pension cuts are the latest and most developed expression of a new stage in the class struggle—the entry of the international working class into mass opposition against the ruthless assault on jobs and living standards being carried out by the capitalists. These events deal a shattering blow to all claims that the working class is a spent force and the class struggle is a relic of the past. Once again, the immense social power of the working class is beginning to find expression. The basic division of modern society, between the bourgeoisie and the working class, is asserting itself under conditions of a historic breakdown of world capitalism.

Permalink Major FAIR Exposé of PBS: Taking the 'Public' Out of Public TV

A multi-part FAIR exposé of PBS's most prominent news and public affairs programs demonstrates that public television is failing to live up to its mission to provide an alternative to commercial television, to give voice to those "who would otherwise go unheard" and help viewers to "see America whole, in all its diversity," in the words of public TV's founding document. What PBS Thinks You Need to Know

Permalink Geithner Weak Dollar Seen as U.S. Recovery Route

For U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner, a weaker dollar may now be in the national interest. The dollar has dropped more than 7 percent since Aug. 27, when Chairman Ben S. Bernanke signaled the Federal Reserve is prepared to ease monetary policy. Where once such a decline may have been met with resistance from the U.S., Geithner may now be tolerating it as a way of bolstering the recovery.

Permalink Obama spending stimulates the national debt by $3,039,000,000,000

No wonder the president's wife is passing the hat to his supporters asking for $3 campaign donations. Have you seen the size of the national debt? It's a new record. The United States of America now owes someone(s) $13,665,000,000,000. By 2012, when Hillary Clinton next challenges Barack Obama for their party's presidential nomination, the national debt will be even larger than today's record -- $16,500,000,000,000, according to current federal estimates. That's more money than the entire United States economy produces in a complete year.


Please, be so kind to listen to me; I am not going to speak long. Wise persons do not need long speeches, what they need is a short, but sensible and comprehensible talk. With all my compliments and respect to you I would like to speak to you concisely and clearly, the way I would speak to intelligent people.

Permalink Who do you think you're kidding Mr Geithner?

There’s a race going on right now. A "war" if you take the words of Brazil’s finance minister, Guido Mantega, to devalue currency. The reason is simple: by keeping your currency low against your competitor you will export more. Timothy Geithner, the US treasury secretary, says his country is not involved in currency manipulation. On the other hand, the US accuses China of being a currency manipulator and has delayed publishing a report to this effect.

Permalink Workers Without Status in France

At the end of the afternoon of May 27, a mass demonstration marched into the Place de la Bastille in Paris. The march itself represented what can now be viewed as a low point in the national union mobilizations to challenge the proposed weakening of France's public pension regime and other reactionary responses of Nicholas Sarkozy's government to the world economic crisis. But despite the rain, despite the niggling worry that fatigue was overtaking the movement and apathy the French public, a group of marchers went to work making sure it was a day the French labour movement won't soon forget.

Penthouse founder Bob Guccione dies of cancer

Bob Guccione makes an appearance in 1996 to promote a film project. He was 79.
Bob Guccione makes an appearance in 1996 to promote a film project. He was 79.
(CNN) -- Penthouse magazine founder Bob Guccione died Wednesday of cancer at a Plano, Texas, hospital, his family said Wednesday night.
Guccione, 79, died at Plano Specialty Hospital, with his wife, April Dawn Warren Guccione and two of his children, Bob Jr. ..

Reese Witherspoon and Jim Toth are not engaged -- yet 
(PEOPLE) -- Wedding bells aren't ringing quite yet for Reese Witherspoon and her agent beau Jim Toth.
Despite reports suggesting the couple are ready to take their relationship to the next

Inter survive Spurs fightback as Bale scores San Siro hat-trick

Young and old: Gareth Bale, left, and Javier Zanetti were key performers at the San Siro on Wednesday night.
Young and old: Gareth Bale, left, and Javier Zanetti were key performers at the San Siro on Wednesday night.
(CNN) -- Titleholders Inter Milan gave newcomers Tottenham a Champions League lesson on Wednesday night before the English club's young winger Gareth Bale underlined his status as one of football's most promising prospects.

French protesters march in Paris as lawmakers vote

Paris, France (CNN) -- Students demonstrated in central Paris on Thursday as protesters and lawmakers went down to the wire in a battle over pension reform. P

Galaxy is most distant object yet

Hubble Ultra Deep Field with UDFy-38135539 inset (Nasa/Esa)
The faintest of faint dots - a signal from the edge of the observable Universe
A tiny faint dot in a Hubble picture has been confirmed as the most distant galaxy ever detected in the Universe.

Russia earmarks 900 state firms for public sale

Oil field in Siberia
Rosneft is one of the state-owned assets to be used to raise revenues
Russia has announced further details of plans for its biggest privatisation since the 1990s - which could raise up to 1.8 trillion roubles ($60bn; £38bn)

Gene linked to depression 'fixed' in mice

Gene therapy in mice appears to be able to "correct" a gene defect strongly linked to depression in people.

Abnormal behaviour in mice lacking a gene in a specific brain region was reversed after injections of a modified virus.

India malaria deaths hugely underestimated, says report

The number of people dying from malaria in India has been hugely underestimated, according to new research.

The data, published in the Lancet, suggests there are 13 times more malaria deaths in India than the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates.

Settlers start 600 new homes after ban ends: watchdog

A construction site in the West Bank Jewish settlement of Kiryat Arba, near Hebron, 20 October
Construction in West Bank settlements has resumed since the freeze expired on 26 September
Jewish settlers have started building more than 600 homes in the West Bank since a building freeze expired last month, an Israeli pressure group says.

Toyota to recall over a million cars in US and Japan

2005 Toyota Avalon
The latest recall affects Toyota Avalon cars built between 2005-06, among others
Toyota has announced a recall of more than 1.5 million cars worldwide over brake and fuel pump defects.

French workers vow to step up pension protests

French workers will step up their protests against pension reforms next week, a top trade union leader says.

Bernard Thibault, head of the CGT workers' confederation, made the statement as union leaders prepared to discuss plans to hold a seventh day of national protests across France

BBC News - Spending Review: Osborne defends 'fairness' of cuts

George Osborne said some call his cuts too harsh, while others say they don't go far enough
Chancellor George Osborne has defended the "fairness" of his UK spending cuts after Labour claims they were reckless and would hit the poorest hardest.
He told the BBC that, including Budget measures, the top 10% of earners would be hit hardest but everyone was making a contribution to cutting the deficit.
He said "the path to economic ruin" lay ahead if the deficit was not tackled.

BBC News - UN drops award sponsored by Equatorial Guinea's Obiang

Equatorial Guinea President Obiang
President Obiang sponsored the $3m (£2m) life sciences prize
A United Nations agency has suspended plans to grant a prize sponsored by Equatorial Guinea President Teodor Obiang Nguema after lobbying by human rights groups.

BBC News - Court allows Pentagon to re-instate ban on gay soldiers

Lieutenant Dan Choi 
Some gay people discharged under the "don't ask, don't tell" policy have attempted to re-enlist
An appeals court has ruled the US military can temporarily reinstate a ban on openly gay people serving, in a move adding to disarray on the issue.

Gunbattles stir panic in 2 Mexican border cities

NUEVO LAREDO, Mexico – Mexican soldiers battled gunmen in two cities across the border from Texas on Wednesday, prompting panicked parents to pull children from school and factories to warn workers to stay inside. Assailants in a third city threw a grenade at an army barracks.

Young woman decapitated in Ciudad Juarez

(CNN) -- A young woman was found decapitated in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, late Tuesday, local officials told CNN.

20-year-old woman becomes top cop in violent Mexican municipality

(CNN) -- Some headlines are hailing her as the bravest woman in Mexico. Marisol Valles Garcia, all of 20 years old, says she's just tired of everyone being afraid.