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Jun 4, 2011

12 tips for better heart health

How do you get a healthier heart, right now? The answer sounds too good to be true: “By simply leading a healthier life,” according to Nieca Goldberg, MD, medical director of New York University’s Women’s Heart Program and author of Dr. Nieca Goldberg’s Complete Guide to Women’s Health.

That’s because even small, steady changes in your life mean a stronger, more efficient heart. “More than half of heart disease is preventable, and studies have shown that 90% of heart attacks in women can be prevented,” she adds. Further, the latest study in Archives of Internal Medicine shows that women who eat loads of veggies, fruit, whole grains, fish, and legumes; drink moderate amounts of alcohol; exercise; maintain a healthy weight; and don’t smoke have a whopping 92% decreased risk of having a heart attack compared with women with less healthy diets and habits."

"How Do You Handle Stress?": Heart Disease Community - Support Group

James Beckerman, MD, FACC posted:
Stress is a part of life. All of us have busy schedules, a demanding boss, and/or a nosy neighbor, not to mention the challenges of a well-intentioned mother-in-law, a sick child, or financial concerns. But the ways in which each of us processes life's imperfections can result in variations in production of stress hormones, blood pressure and heart rate, and general mood. These factors may impact an individual's risk of developing heart disease.

While many people assume that a more aggressive, goal-oriented 'Type A' personality is associated with a significantly increased risk of heart disease, it actually seems that our emotional states -- like anger, depression, and anxiety -- play a larger role. People who have Type A personalities, who have adapted well to a more intense set of life demands, may actually be able to more effectively handle individual stressful situations as they come along in daily living than the more easy-going Type B personality. But either group of people may experience increased risk if their coping mechanisms are contributing to more overall stress in their life."

Search Gets More Social | SmallBusinessNewz

…whether you like it or not

One thing is clear. For better or for worse, the major search engines are going more social in their quest to deliver more relevant results. In fact, even the non-major ones are as well.

Is social a major part of your search strategy? Let us know.
Google recently announced the global launch of its social search, and Bing heavily boosted its integration with Facebook (the most popular social network - by far). I wrote an article for WebProNews recently looking at how to get more Facebook Likes and more traffic to your site with Facebook, some of which can actually be fueled by search.
Rand Fishkin of SEOmoz, a well known SEO expert gave a talk in Germany recently about the future of link building and the importance of social signals to the influence of search rankings:
It's worth noting that Bing found Fishkin's talk valuable enough to share on its own blog.

Weight Loss Pictures Slideshow: Top 10 Habits That Can Help You Lose Weight on

Atrial Fibrillation Raises Death Risk for Middle-Aged Women

By Kathleen Doheny
WebMD Health News

Human heart
May 24, 2011 -- Otherwise healthy middle-aged women newly diagnosed with a heart rhythm problem known as atrial fibrillation are at increased risk of premature death, a study shows.
The study is published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
Many studies have found older people with atrial fibrillation have a higher risk of dying. However, the risk linked with new-onset atrial fibrillation in middle-aged people has not been well studied, says researcher David Conen, MD, MPH, assistant professor of internal medicine at University Hospital, Basel, Switzerland.

Many Heart Patients Aren’t Taking Needed Drugs

doctor listening to senior mans heart
May 10, 2011 -- Too few patients with stable coronary artery disease are taking recommended drugs that could help them avoid the need for procedures that open up clogged arteries, a study shows.
The study is published in TheJournal of the American Medical Association.
Less than half of the heart patients in the study with stable disease were taking antiplatelet drugs, statins, and beta-blockers before receiving stents or balloon angioplasty to open clogged blood vessels.

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