Today: "How Do You Handle Stress?": Heart Disease Community - Support Group


ALS, Alexander Language Schools Franchise

Jun 4, 2011

"How Do You Handle Stress?": Heart Disease Community - Support Group

James Beckerman, MD, FACC posted:
Stress is a part of life. All of us have busy schedules, a demanding boss, and/or a nosy neighbor, not to mention the challenges of a well-intentioned mother-in-law, a sick child, or financial concerns. But the ways in which each of us processes life's imperfections can result in variations in production of stress hormones, blood pressure and heart rate, and general mood. These factors may impact an individual's risk of developing heart disease.

While many people assume that a more aggressive, goal-oriented 'Type A' personality is associated with a significantly increased risk of heart disease, it actually seems that our emotional states -- like anger, depression, and anxiety -- play a larger role. People who have Type A personalities, who have adapted well to a more intense set of life demands, may actually be able to more effectively handle individual stressful situations as they come along in daily living than the more easy-going Type B personality. But either group of people may experience increased risk if their coping mechanisms are contributing to more overall stress in their life."

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