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May 15, 2011

British woman beheaded in supermarket attack identified

Jennifer Mills-Westley, a British national, was killed in an apparently random attack in Spain's Canary Islands on May 14, 2011.
Jennifer Mills-Westley, a British national, was killed in an apparently random attack in Spain's Canary Islands on May 14, 2011.
  • Jennifer Mills-Westley was "generous of heart," her daughter says
  • She was killed in an apparently random attack in Spain
  • A man stole a knife, then cut off her head with it
  • Tenerife

(CNN) -- A British woman beheaded in an apparently random supermarket attack in Spain's Canary Islands has been identified as grandmother Jennifer Mills-Westley.

She was retired and living between Tenerife in the Canary Islands and France, where a daughter and grandchildren live, her family said in a statement Saturday.

Singapore political stalwarts resign -, May 15, 2011

Singapore's first prime minister Lee Kuan Yew reacting to supporters on April 27, 2011.
Singapore's first prime minister Lee Kuan Yew reacting to supporters on April 27, 2011.
  • The country's first two prime ministers resigned on Saturday
  • They were both serving in the current cabinet
  • They are making room for a younger generation of leadership, they say

  • Singapore
  • Politics
Singapore (CNN) -- Singapore's first two prime ministers on Saturday resigned from the Cabinet in a suprise announcement, saying the time had come for a "younger generation to carry Singapore forward."
Lee Kuan Yew, 87, was the country's first prime minister and "founding father" of the country. He was serving the current government in the custom-made position of "minister mentor."
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State TV: 2 dead and 60 injured in clashes involving Coptics in Cairo

Egyptian riot police were deployed and created a human barrier between the men and the demonstrators.
Egyptian riot police were deployed and created a human barrier between the men and the demonstrators.
  • NEW: Witnesses claim the attackers were people seeking to incite sectarian violence
  • NEW: A demonstrator demands international protection
  • Pro-Coptic protesters clash with unidentified men
  • Tensions have risen this year between Egypt's Muslim majority and its Coptic Christian minority

Cairo, Egypt (CNN) -- Violence erupted in the Cairo neighborhood of Maspero when pro-Coptic protesters clashed with unidentified men, leaving at least two people dead and 60 injured, state TV reported early Sunday.

The demonstrators initially staged a sit-in in front of the state TV building to demand greater rights for the religious minority.

Burials held in Tripoli for alleged victims of NATO airstrike

Tripoli, Libya (CNN) -- A few hundred people gathered at a Tripoli cemetery Saturday to bury the alleged victims of a NATO airstrike in al-Brega a day earlier.

Eleven imams were killed Friday when the house they were staying in was struck, the Libyan government said. The imams were on a peace mission to the eastern towns of Benghazi and Ajdabiya when the strike occurred, the government said.

For Louisiana town, a collective gasp as it braces for floodwaters

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Town learns 15-foot flood may be coming
  • A plan to divert floodwaters from the Mississippi River means flooding homes in Butte La Rose
  • Army Corps of Engineers expects floodwaters of 15 feet if and when spillway is opened
  • Resident are racing against the clock to salvage what they can before floodwaters hit

Watch "The CMT Disaster Relief Concert," co-hosted by HLN's Robin Meade, to help raise money for victims recently devastated by storms, tornadoes and flooding in the Southeast. "Music Builds" airs Sunday night at 9 ET on HLN.

Butte La Rose, Louisiana (CNN) -- On a two-lane road that cuts through a dense forest of Louisiana cypress trees, intermingled with narrow, dark creeks, sits a small community trapped in the path of a looming disaster.

Days ahead of trial's start, jury in Casey Anthony still not settled -

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Tot mom to blame post traumatic stress?
  • NEW: Two more join 10 others who are considered viable jury pool candidates
  • Twelve jurors and eight alternates must be picked before Casey Anthony's trial
  • Opening arguments are planned for Tuesday in Orlando
  • Anthony is accused of killing her daughter, Caylee, and then lying to investigators

Clearwater, Florida (CNN) -- Jury selection in the Casey Anthony murder trial continued Saturday afternoon following the rejection of nine potential jurors, including one man who posted to his Facebook account that he had a "title, cover and all" ready for a book about the case.

Egypt's former first lady said to have suffered a heart attack, May 15, 2011

Suzanne Mubarak, 70, was reportedly in good health before the uprising.
Suzanne Mubarak, 70, was reportedly in good health before the uprising.
  • Manager of the hospital in the resort town of Sharm el-Sheikh says she suffered a heart attack
  • The incident occurred shortly after she was ordered detained for 15 days in a corruption case
  • Hosni Mubarak was also questioned about his finances

Cairo, Egypt (CNN) -- Suzanne Mubarak, wife of toppled Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, suffered a heart attack Friday after being questioned in a corruption investigation, the manager of the Sharm el-Sheikh Hospital said.
The manager, Mohamed Fatah Allah, said she had been taken to the intensive care unit.
The incident came shortly after Suzanne Mubarak was ordered detained for 15 days in a corruption case, the state-run Middle East News Agency reported.
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Unreleased bin Laden audio message called 'puzzling'

A U.S. official said it is "puzzling" that bin Laden would "suddenly join the bandwagon on the uprisings."
A U.S. official said it is "puzzling" that bin Laden would "suddenly join the bandwagon on the uprisings."
  • In an unreleased audio message, bin Laden lauds events in Egypt and Tunisia
  • U.S. official: It is "puzzling" he didn't mention all the Arab nations in turmoil
  • The message was found in bin Laden's compound during the U.S. raid

Washington (CNN) -- An unreleased audio message from Osama bin Laden, produced in late April, days before his death, in which he talks in support of the so-called "Arab Spring," was seized at the compound during the U.S. raid, according to a U.S. official.

The message refers to the revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia but doesn't mention the uprisings in Libya, Yemen, Syria or elsewhere.

The official spoke on the condition of anonymity due to the classified nature of the information.

Extradition treaty could allow Van der Sloot to return to Holland

Joran Van der Sloot will be tried in a Peru case. He has been called the chief suspect in the death of Natalee Holloway.
Joran Van der Sloot will be tried in a Peru case. He has been called the chief suspect in the death of Natalee Holloway.
  • Peru and the Netherlands sign an extradition treaty regarding detainees
  • It would allow Dutch nationals convicted in Peru to serve their time back home
  • Joran Van der Sloot's attorney says his client hasn't decided whether to apply
  • He's charged with murdering a Peruvian woman and suspected in a U.S. teen's disappearance

(CNN) -- An extradition treaty signed this week between the Netherlands and Peru could open the door for Joran Van der Sloot to return to his native country if convicted in the death of a 21-year-old Peruvian woman.
A spokesman with Peru's foreign ministry, Gonzalo Portals Zubiate, said Friday that the treaty -- which allows some Dutch nationals sentenced to time in Peru to serve their sentences in Europe, with the inverse for Peruvians convicted in Holland -- has nothing to do with Van der Sloot, specifically. Still, the suspect's attorney acknowledged it could affect him.

Suicide attacks in Pakistan kill 80; Taliban claim bin Laden revenge

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Pakistan military training post attacked
  • NEW: An opposition figure calls on Pakistan government to refuse U.S. aid
  • The attacks are in retaliation for the death of bin Laden, Pakistani Taliban say
  • The recruits had just completed a nine-month training program

Islamabad, Pakistan (CNN) -- The Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility Friday for suicide attacks on a military training facility in the nation's northwest, saying they were carried out in retaliation for the killing of terrorist leader Osama bin Laden.

The twin suicide bombings killed at least 80 people, nearly all of them military recruits who had just completed their training, said Bashir Ahmad Bilour, a senior provincial minister. About 140 others were wounded.

Rights group urges Iran not to blind woman's attacker with acid

Majid Movahedi was convicted in 2008 of throwing acid at a woman who rejected his advances.
Majid Movahedi was convicted in 2008 of throwing acid at a woman who rejected his advances.
  • NEW: ISNA: The acid punishment is postponed
  • Majid Movahedi was convicted in 2008 of an acid attack on a woman
  • He was sentenced to have five drops of acid in both eyes

Tehran, Iran (CNN) -- A human rights group on Saturday urged Iranian authorities not to put acid in the eyes of a man found guilty of blinding a woman who scorned him.

Majid Movahedi is scheduled to be blinded by having five drops of acid in each eye Saturday, according to Amnesty International.

CNN News - As marchers rally in Yemeni streets, soldiers slain in countryside, May 15, 2011

Sanaa, Yemen (CNN) -- Violence rocked embattled Yemen on Saturday as suspected militants killed government soldiers for the second day in a row and security forces wounded around three dozen anti-government protesters.
The unrest comes as the regime is coping with two conflicts -- militant activity across the country and an anti-government movement demanding the departure of President Ali Abdullah Saleh.
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4 killed as protesters, security forces clash in Syria

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Syrians rescue shooting victims
  • NEW: Tanks block observers from Friday prayers, group says
  • Britain summons Syrian ambassador to express concerns
  • Information minister confirms national dialogue
  • A U.N. official says the estimates of 700 to 850 killed in Syria are likely accurate

(CNN) -- Four people were killed in violent clashes between protesters and security forces in several Syrian cities on Friday, a human rights advocate said.

According to Ammar Qurabi, chairman of the National Organization for Human Rights in Syria, three were killed by gunfire from security forces during those clashes.

Conservative group sues over bin Laden death photos -

"The American people have a right to know, by law" more about bin Laden's death at his Pakistan compound, Judicial Watch said.
"The American people have a right to know, by law" more about bin Laden's death at his Pakistan compound, Judicial Watch said.
  • Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch sues Defense Department
  • Legal group has made Freedom of Information request for materials
  • It wants video, photographs of raid that killed al Qaeda leader
  • Obama has said government will not publicly release photos

Washington (CNN) -- A conservative legal watchdog group has filed the first lawsuit seeking public release of video and photographs of the U.S. military raid and aftermath that left al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden dead.

UN envoy for Libya to attempt cease-fire negotiation, May 15, 2011

Tripoli, Libya (CNN) -- As the war in Libya persists with no clear end in sight, the United Nations' envoy to the the country will try to negotiate a cease-fire between ruler Moammar Gadhafi's forces and rebel fighters on Sunday.
Libyan foreign ministry officials said the envoy, Abdul Ilah al-Khatib, will arrive in Tripoli to negotiate.
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IMF HEAD News, May 15, 2011

The Economist on Twitter: "IMF head and potential French ...

May 15, 2011 — IMF head and potential French presidential candidate Dominique Strauss-Kahn is arrested in New York

Eulogies and fury: Jihadists eager to avenge bin Laden's death

Al Qaeda's affiliates across the Muslim world have published effusive tributes to bin Laden and pledged support for al Qaeda.
Al Qaeda's affiliates across the Muslim world have published effusive tributes to bin Laden and pledged support for al Qaeda.
  • Better intelligence has made an attack on U.S. or Europe more difficult
  • Sabotaging Saudi and Gulf oilfields would fit with al Qaeda's core goals
  • Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula may be a greater threat now, some say
  • Salafist groups may want to take advantage of instability from recent uprisings
(CNN) -- From Morocco to the foothills of the Himalayas, the call for revenge echoes across the internet. Online forums associated with al Qaeda overflow with eulogies for Osama bin Laden, and with declarations that global jihad will continue. Even Facebook groups have emerged to mourn the demise of the world's most wanted man.

Now that bin Laden's dead, who are al Qaeda's most wanted leaders?

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al-Zawahiri in the U.S. crosshairs
  • Intelligence agencies are stepping-up the hunt for al Qaeda's remaining leaders
  • Ayman al-Zawahiri is thought by many security analysts to be the most vulnerable

(CNN) -- He was its founder and strategic guiding force, but now that Osama bin Laden is dead, who are al Qaeda's most wanted leaders?

The leaders whose influence and violent ambitions make them high-priority targets by intelligence agencies around the world.

U.S. interviews 'hostile' bin Laden widows, with Pakistan officials

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U.S. grills 'hostile' bin Laden wives

  • The U.S. may question the widows again, a Pakistani official says
  • U.S. authorities interview three bin Laden widows, who are in Pakistani custody
  • Officials describe the three women, who were questioned together, as "hostile"
  • The questions are all posed in the presence of Pakistani officials
(CNN) -- Three of Osama bin Laden's widows have been interviewed by U.S. intelligence officers under the supervision of Pakistani's intelligence service, according to sources in both governments.
The women -- who were all interviewed together this week -- were "hostile" toward the Americans, according to a senior Pakistani government official with direct knowledge of the post-bin Laden investigation and two senior U.S. officials with direct knowledge of the matter. The eldest of the three widows spoke for the group.

Source: Gadhafi facing possible arrest warrant from court -

Moammar Gadhafi may face an arrest warrant for alleged crimes against humanity.
Source: Gadhafi facing possible arrest warrant 

Moammar Gadhafi may face an arrest warrant for alleged crimes against humanity.
  • NEW: Protesters call for Gadhafi's arrest
  • The U.N. envoy to Libya is expected in Tripoli Sunday
  • The International Criminal Court will discuss crimes against humanity probe
  • A source close to the case says Moammar Gadhafi is among 3 individuals named
Tripoli, Libya (CNN) -- Moammar Gadhafi is among three Libyans facing arrest warrants from the International Criminal Court for alleged crimes against humanity, an official with direct knowledge of the case told CNN Saturday.
The court's Chief Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo, who said in early March that he planned to investigate the embattled Libyan leader, will announce Monday that he's seeking the arrest warrants.
court -

Poles already think of John Paul II as a saint -

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Polish city honors pope

  • About 50,000 people brave rain in Krakow to watch beatification ceremony at Vatican
  • For many, Karol Wojtyla's role in the fall of communism is his true miracle
  • Krakow student: "It's a great source of pride for us to have another Pole blessed"
Krakow, Poland (CNN) -- For many Poles, John Paul II's beatification simply confirms what they already knew. They thought him a saint already, the very fact of his papacy a blessing for Poland.
At the Sanctuary for Divine Mercy in Lagiewniki, Krakow, around 50,000 people braved the rain to watch the beatification ceremony live from the Vatican. The organizers had expected higher turnout in Krakow.

Members of Congress see bin Laden photos -

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Senator views bin Laden death photo

  • President Obama decided photos of al Qaeda leader's body won't be released to public
  • Select members of Congress are seeing them this week
  • Images are "gruesome," Sen. Inhofe says
  • Some members of Congress disagree with decision
Washington (CNN) -- More members of Congress are seeing something cleared for only a select group of Americans: Photos of Osama bin Laden's corpse.
Republican Sen. James Inhofe told CNN's Eliot Spitzer on Wednesday he saw about 15 photos of bin Laden's body, most taken at the al Qaeda leader's compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Three were taken on a naval vessel from which bin Laden was buried at sea after the May 2 U.S. commando raid.

Bin Laden was communicating with other terrorists, U.S. official says -

"These are not just the writings of an elderly jihadi," one official said of bin Laden's communications.
"These are not just the writings of an elderly jihadi," one official said of bin Laden's communications.
  • Handwritten materials from compound show responses, U.S. official says
  • Personal journal has guidance on how to attack U.S.
  • Ideas, not concrete plans, are seen, official says
(CNN) -- Data and documents taken from the compound show that messages from Osama bin Laden did make it out of the compound to other members of al Qaeda, a U.S. official says.
"There are strong indications there is back and forth with other terrorists," the official said.

Former pop star sworn in as Haiti's new president -

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Port-Au-Prince, Haiti (CNN) -- With expectations of change running high, former bad-boy pop star Michel Martelly was sworn in Saturday as the president of impoverished Haiti, still reeling from last year's devastating earthquake.