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Oct 20, 2010

Could the Government Seize Your Gold? Rules to Consider, Steps to Take

Could the government seize your gold?

It's a question that's being asked with increasing frequency these days. The United States is struggling with a post-financial-crisis economy that can't seem to get healthy, which has led to a ballooning budget deficit and a staggering national debt.

Oct 19, 2010

Dressed to impress

Are we ready yet for that big reform pill?- Canada

Are Canadians ready for a health-care system that would, among other things, include:
Patient user fees or medicare premiums?
Doctors with their incomes capped but able to charge the privately insured for extra services?
Private hospitals operating alongside public ones with the same funding forumulas?
And "essential" drugs covered by the public system.

Canadian citizenship: What it takes, Canada

Eleven-year-old Negar Fakhraee, of Iran, takes the oath to become a Canadian citizen during a citizenship ceremony in Vancouver on July 13, 2009. Thirty-two new Canadians from 13 countries took the oath of citizenship during the ceremony.
Eleven-year-old Negar Fakhraee, of Iran, takes the oath to become a Canadian citizen during a citizenship ceremony in Vancouver on July 13, 2009. Thirty-two new Canadians from 13 countries took the oath of citizenship during the ceremony. (Darryl Dyck/Canadian Press)

Williams strangled 2nd murder victim, Canada

Col. Russell Williams pleaded guilty to first-degree murder in the death of Jessica Lloyd, 27.Col. Russell Williams pleaded guilty to first-degree murder in the death of Jessica Lloyd, 27.
Jessica Lloyd died after Col. Russell Williams strangled her with a rope more than 12 hours after repeatedly sexually assaulting and abducting her from her home north of Belleville, Ont., a court hearing was told Tuesday. On Monday, Williams pleaded guilty to 88..

Yahoo News

Apple vs. Google: Who Wins This One?

The bickering between Apple and Google continues. It's gotten to the point where at just about every event where one of these companies has an announcement (at least within the mobile space), they take not so subtle jabs at one another.

Consumer Spending Slips Slightly In September

The Deloitte Consumer Spending Index dipped in September due to a climbing tax burden and continued weakness in the housing market. The Index attempts to track consumer cash flow as an indicator of future consumer spending.

Investment Bank Earnings Preview: Giants Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley To See Revenue Decline

Citigroup Inc. (NYSE: C) spurred a big run in financial stocks yesterday (Monday) after the commercial-banking giant beat Wall Street estimates by reporting a huge surge in quarterly profits.
Don't expect the same exuberant response to U.S. investment bank earnings reports.
Indeed, Wall Street analysts are expecting a very different set of results from the U.S. investment-banking sector, when giants Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (NYSE: GS) and Morgan Stanley (NYSE: MS) report their third-quarter results this week. Goldman reports today (Tuesday) and Morgan Stanley tomorrow (Wednesday).

Defense Suppliers Compete for a Piece of India’s Multibillion-Dollar Military Revamp

The Boeing Co. (NYSE: BA) is in talks with India for a $5.8 billion military aircraft deal as the country triples its defense budget, leading defense suppliers to compete for a piece of the multibillion-dollar action.

Investment Banking Earnings Highlight Wall Street’s New Vulnerabilities

The collapse of The Bear Stearns Cos. and Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. (OTC: LEHMQ), the forced takeover of Merrill Lynch and the decisions by Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (NYSE: GS) and Morgan Stanley (NYSE: MS) to get commercial-banking licenses seemed to signal that the investment-banking business model was dead.

Yahoo News, Oct 19, 2010

Halloween Movie, Pumpkin Carving, Decorations, Witches, Costumes, Videos, Ghosts, History Trailers, Pirate Crafts, Spooks, Goblins, Zombie, Polterge, Gifts, costumes  Retro Costumes, tricks and treats Costumes for any occasion

News, The Brunei Times

rmany to act on immigration after Merkel comments

19 Oct 10 - THE German government announced plans yesterday for a raft of measures aimed at fostering integration of immigrants, two days after Chancellor Angela Merkel said multiculturalism had "failed totally.""For a while, multiculturalism in...

Facebook applications leak user information: report

19 Oct 10 - FACEBOOK users are inadvertently providing access to their names and in some cases even their friend's names to advertising and Internet tracking companies, through some popular applications, the Wall Street Journal said.According to the Journal's...

Jordanian man faces sentencing in Dallas bombing plot

19 Oct 10 - A 20-YEAR-OLD Jordanian man caught in an FBI sting trying to blow up a Dallas skyscraper faces a sentencing hearing today just blocks away from the building he tried to take down. Hosam Smadi faces up to life in prison after pleading guilty in May...

French truck drivers block roads as anti-reform protests escalate

19 Oct 10 - FRENCH high school students clashed with riot police yesterday, truckers blocked roads and filling stations ran out of fuel as protests escalated against plans to raise the retirement age to 62.Police fired tear gas at youths who set a car on fire,...

Cyber crime among top UK security threats

19 Oct 10 - TERRORISM and cyber attacks will be identified yesterday as the main threats to Britain in a new security strategy, a plan likely to be used to justify cuts to major hardware orders in a sweeping military review .The government hopes the National...


19 Oct 10 - Trial of Kurdishactivists startsDIYARBAKIR: Turkey yesterday began trying 151 politicians and activists, including 12 elected mayors, charged with links to Kurdish rebels in a case testing a European Union-inspired drive to broaden Kurdish rights....

Iraqi PM Maliki in Iran talks

19 Oct 10 - IRAQI Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki was in Tehran yesterday to drum up support for his premiership bid, as his chief rival Iyad Allawi accused Iran of meddling in Baghdad's political affairs.Maliki soon after his arrival in Tehran went into a series...

Iran attends Afghanistan diplomatic dialogues

19 Oct 10 - IRAN took part in top-level international diplomatic talks on Afghanistan for the first time yesterday, with participants including the US recognising that the Islamic repbulic has a key role to play."We recognise that Iran... has a role to...

Netanyahu plays down new Israeli construction on settlements

19 Oct 10 - PRIME Minister Benjamin Netanyahu played down yesterday new Israeli construction on land Palestinians seek for a state, urging them to return to peace talks halted over the resumption of settlement building. "The discourse about new building is...

West has no option but talks: Iran

18 Oct 10 - WORLD powers have no option but to talk with Iran over its nuclear programme, hardline Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said yesterday in defiant comments ahead of next month's negotiations."We said from the start that the best way is to...

ETA should declare 'permanent truce'

18 Oct 10 - ARNALDO Otegi, the jailed top leader of the banned political wing of ETA, said the Basque separatist group should declare a permanent ceasefire, in an interview published yesterday.Otegi told Spain's El Pais daily that if he had the ETA leadership...

Abducted UK aid worker fine

18 Oct 10 - A BRITISH aid worker kidnapped by masked gunmen in Somalia is alive and being looked after by his captors, the Save the Children charity said yesterday. "We can confirm that he is well. He is being looked after and is in good spirits,"...

Yemeni planes bomb Qaeda after ambush

18 Oct 10 - YEMENI aircraft bombed al-Qaeda positions in southern Yemen yesterday, a government official said, after militants ambushed a tank column, killing four soldiers.Three suspected members of al- Qaeda's regional wing were also killed in the clashes...

Putins reappear in public to reaffirm marriage

18 Oct 10 - RUSSIAN Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and his wife Lyudmila made a rare joint public appearance over the weekend seeking to reaffirm their marriage amid persistent divorce rumours. In a video posted on the government's website yesterday the couple...

Obama hits stride before 35,000 supporters in Ohio

US President Barack Obama speaks to the crowd at the oval on the campus of Ohio State University last Sunday. Obama continues to make campaign appearances around the country stumping for candidates running for Congress in next month's mid-term elections. Picture: EPA

Medvedev hands top state honours to Russian spies

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
PRESIDENT Dmitry Medvedev yesterday handed top state honours to the Russian spies deported from the United States in July in the biggest spy scandal since the Cold War, the Kremlin said.
"A ceremony took place in the Kremlin today to hand top state honours to a number of Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) employees, including the spies who were working in the United States and returned to Russia in July," Kremlin..

Chile president pledges to tighten mine safety

PRESIDENT Sebastian Pinera pledged yesterday to tighten up mine safety in Chile, even if it meant extra costs for owners, after the dramatic rescue of 33 trapped miners.
Pinera, basking in the glow of the rescue while he tours European capitals, said Chile was tripling the budget of mining industry regulators and revising its regulations.

Greek embassies step up security

GREECE'S embassy and consular buildings have stepped up security precautions following an attack threat allegedly linked to a group of Iranian asylum seekers, the Greek foreign ministry said yesterday.
Greek foreign ministry spokesman Grigoris Delavekouras said in a statement that the alert began after an anonymous phone call to the Greek general consulate in Los Angeles on October 13.

Service of thanks at Chile mine

Rescued miner Omar Reygadas (C) gestures at the end of a mass service at the San Jose mine near Copiapo, Chile, last Sunday.

Super Typhoon Megi Lands In Northern Philippines

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A motorist driving past a filling station which was toppled by Typhoon Megi (local codename Juan) yesterday at Isabela province in northeastern Philippines. The strongest cyclone in years to buffet the Philippines knocked out communications and power yesterday. Picture: AP

Indonesia News, The New York Times

Indonesia’s House of Representatives barely passed any laws in the first year of its current term, placing critical pending legislation on the back burner.
October 16, 2010
Left Out in the Cold by Revival of Old Rules
Left Out in the Cold by Revival of Old Rules
A nationwide resurgence of systems of customary law in Indonesia has strengthened Bali’s traditional punishment of ostracism and exile.
October 12, 2010
Convicted Editor of Indonesian Playboy Surrenders
The editor of Indonesia’s defunct version of Playboy magazine surrendered himself to authorities on Saturday to serve a two-year jail term for indecency.
October 10, 2010
In Indonesia, Military Aids in Fight Against Local Militants
In Indonesia, Military Aids in Fight Against Local Militants
The use of military units in North Sumatra Province represents a shift in the country’s antiterrorism strategy, which has prioritized law enforcement.
October 8, 2010
African-European Study Calls for Closer University Ties
African and European associations of higher education have released a report outlining recommendations to improve cooperation.
October 4, 2010
Human Error Suspected in Deadly Train Collision in Indonesia
The Indonesian authorities have initiated investigations into the cause of a high-speed collision between two intercity trains over the weekend that killed 36 people.
October 4, 2010
Dozens Die in Indonesian Train Crash
Dozens Die in Indonesian Train Crash
At least 36 people were killed and dozens severely injured early Saturday in a collision between intercity trains.
October 3, 2010
Dog-Loving Bali Tries to Tame Rabies Outbreak
Dog-Loving Bali Tries to Tame Rabies Outbreak
The island’s authorities and a nonprofit group have started a mass dog vaccination campaign, with the goal of vaccinating roughly 70 percent of the island’s dogs by the end of the year.
September 30, 2010
Gunmen Storm Indonesian Police Station
Gunmen Storm Indonesian Police Station
Heavily armed men killed three police officers in an attack that came just days after the police arrested suspected Islamic militants.
September 23, 2010
Indonesians Go Back Home, by the Millions
Indonesians Go Back Home, by the Millions
An annual exodus called “mudik” at the end of Ramadan is a chance for city dwellers with rural roots to reconnect with their families — and to show off their success.
September 7, 2010
Rowing Between Two Reefs
Indonesia is trying to avoid taking sides in what could become a second Cold War.
August 31, 2010
Radical Cleric Abu Bakar Bashir Arrested in Indonesia
Radical Cleric Abu Bakar Bashir Arrested in Indonesia
Abu Bakar Bashir, accused of having ties to Al Qaeda, was linked to a deadly terrorist attack on a Bali nightclub.
August 10, 2010
In Indonesia, Many Eyes Follow Money for Hajj
In Indonesia, Many Eyes Follow Money for Hajj
Millions are on a government waiting list to go to Mecca, but groups say that officials and politicians misuse their deposits.
August 6, 2010
Political Relationship in Indonesia Enters Uneasy Truce
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Aburizal Bakrie, the chairman of the main opposition party, appear to be enjoying an uneasy truce.
August 3, 2010
Indonesia Finds Banning Pornography Is Difficult
Indonesia Finds Banning Pornography Is Difficult
Internet service providers in Indonesia are being told to start blocking access to pornographic Web sites. But nobody seems to know how to go about it, or who will pay.
August 2, 2010
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Taking a Risk and Hoping for the Future
Many Indonesians have taken a chance by turning themselves in to U.S. immigration officials, under church auspices, for the opportunity to have a better future.
A Plan to Save a Forest From an Unlikely Source
A paper company proposes to use a ring of industrial tree plantations to help stop leaks of greenhouse gases from a peat bog.
Slow Recovery After Indonesian Quake
Four days after a 7.6-magnitude earthquake hit the western coast of Sumatra, more than 700 people were confirmed dead, and thousands remained missing.
Rescue Efforts Continue in Quake-Ravaged Indonesia
Survivors and rescue teams worked frantically on Friday to search for survivors of the powerful earthquake that struck western Sumatra.
Earthquake Strikes Western Indonesia
A powerful earthquake hit the west coast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra, leaving the port city of Padang in ruins.
Explosions Hit Two Jakarta Hotels
Nearly simultaneous explosions hit Ritz-Carlton and Marriott hotels in Jakarta, killing at least nine people and injuring dozens, according to local officials.
Military Plane Crash in Indonesia
An Indonesian military cargo plane crashed into a village in East Java, killing at least 98 people.
Deluge in Jakarta
Heavy rains caused a dam near Jakarta to burst, sending a deadly wall of water and mud through hundreds of houses.
The Journey From Rendition to Freedom
Muhammad Saad Iqbal was seized by the C.I.A. after 9/11, interrogated in a secret prison in Egypt, then sent on to Bagram Airbase and Guantanamo. This is a firsthand account of torture and rendition.
Circle of Life
In Ubud, Indonesia three royals and dozens of others were remembered in a spectacular cremation ceremony.


Indonesia: A Delicate Balance
The Times's Calvin Sims reports on the changing nature of Islam in the vast archipelago.
Indonesia: A Muslim Democracy in Formation
A look inside the spatial and religious landscape of the world’s fourth-largest nation.

Malaysia News, The Star

Charred remains: Two firemen hosing the burnt stalls at the Chow Kit wet market last night. — <span class=
A fire believed to be caused by a short circuit destroyed 30 stalls at the Chow Kit wet market.
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Malaysian is top law student
at Cambridge University

A 23-year-old Malaysian has emerged as the top student in his final-year law examinations at Cambridge University. Tan Zhongshan obtained a first-class honours in the Bachelor of Arts (Law) in June this year at Queens’ College, which is part of the university, one of England’s oldest and most prestigious. 


World Updates »

Mexico makes record 105-tonne marijuana haul

TIJUANA, Mexico (Reuters) - Mexican soldiers seized 105 tonnes of marijuana with a U.S. street value of more than $340 million on Monday in Mexico's biggest-ever pot haul, the army said.

Megi clears Philippines, northern rice crop hit

MANILA (Reuters) - Typhoon Megi cleared the Philippines' main island and headed towards China on Tuesday, and authorities said initial estimates showed around 105,000 tonnes of the region's unmilled rice crop had been damaged.

U.S. judge tentatively upholds gays-in-military order

RIVERSIDE, Calif. (Reuters) - A federal judge tentatively refused on Monday to let the Pentagon reinstate its ban on openly gay men and women in the U.S. military while the government appeals her decision declaring the policy unconstitutional.

Microsoft software head Ray Ozzie to depart

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Bill Gates' successor as Microsoft's Chief Software Architect, Ray Ozzie, is leaving the company after five years.

Mexican authorities seize 105 tons of marijuana

TIJUANA, Mexico (AP) - Mexican security forces seized at least 105 tons of U.S.-bound marijuana in the border city of Tijuana on Monday, by far the biggest pot bust in the country in recent years.

Super typhoon dumps rains in Philippines; 7 killed

CAUAYAN, Philippines (AP) - Super Typhoon Megi dumped heavy rains over the Philippine capital as it departed Tuesday after killing seven people, creating a wasteland of fallen trees in the north and sending thousands scrambling to safety in near-zero visibility.

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