

ALS, Alexander Language Schools Franchise

Jul 2, 2010

PUERTO RICO News, Jul 02, 2010

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Jennifer Lopez & Marc Anthony in Puerto Rico - July 2, 2010... Photos of Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony leaving their hotel ...
SEIU Calls for Congressional Investigation of Puerto Rico Riot ...
Published 3:33 PM Eastern - Friday, July 2, 2010. In Puerto Rico: Manolo Coss: ( 939) 645-3972 | In DC: Meghan Finegan:            (617) 283-8597      . Washington, DC ...
Juan Manuel "Juanma" Lopez / Bernabe Concepcion Pre Weigh-In ... --- Juan Manuel "Juanma" Lopez / Bernabe Concepcion Pre ...
Buffalo Puerto Rican Restaurant: Willie's Little Corner - YouTube
Uploaded by saison15 on Jul 2, 2010. Some of the most delicious Puerto Rican dishes are ...
DN! Puerto Rican Police Quash Student Protest at State Capitol ...
Uploaded by StartLoving3 on Jul 2, 2010. Puerto RicanPolice Quash Protest at State Capitol ...
Radio Atenas 1500 AM - Manati Puerto Rico 07/02/1008:24AM ...
hide this ad? Recorded live on July 2, 2010 6:56 AM PDT. Radio Atenas 1500 AM - Manati ...

Alexander Language Schools, FranchiseAlexander Language or Products and Services   Surrender the Heart (Surrender to Destiny)Alexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-FrenchUnder the SunStealing JakeAlexander Dictionary of English Idioms: English-Swedish

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The Bahamas News, Jul 02, 2010

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BBC News - Costa Rica country profile

Jul 1, 2010

Abs-olutely hot! Stomachs of the stars, Jul 01, 2010

... and who better to inspire investing in a gym membership than a trio of Victoria Secret Angels?! While the rest of us are stuck at the office, Miranda Kerr, Candice Swanepoel and Alessandra Ambrosio flaunt their super-toned tummies poolside. Life's simply not fair.

Check out the rest of Hollywood's most enviable midsections ...

BY JOANNA SLOAME" alt="In a town built on ego as much as it is box office, it's no surprise celebs have the time - and money - to get buff beyond belief. What's even less surprising is that these camera-loving stars manage to find the time in their busy schedules to show off all their hard work. But with spring in the air, it's time for us normal folks to get some workout inspiration...

... and who better to inspire investing in a gym membership than a trio of Victoria Secret Angels?! While the rest of us are stuck at the office, Miranda Kerr, Candice Swanepoel and Alessandra Ambrosio flaunt their super-toned tummies poolside. Life's simply not fair.

Check out the rest of Hollywood's most enviable midsections ...

BY JOANNA SLOAME" style="display: block; width: 341px; height: 379px;" src="">
In a town built on ego as much as it is box office, it's no surprise celebs have the time - and money - to get buff beyond belief. What's even less surprising is that these camera-loving stars manage to find the time in their busy schedules to show off all their hard work. But with spring in the air, it's time for us normal folks to get some workout inspiration...

... and who better to inspire investing in a gym membership than a trio of Victoria Secret Angels?! While the rest of us are stuck at the office, Miranda Kerr, Candice Swanepoel and Alessandra Ambrosio flaunt their super-toned tummies poolside. Life's simply not fair.

Check out the rest of Hollywood's most enviable midsections ...


Elle Macpherson, 47, turns heads in skin-tight PVC pants at 'Britain's Next Top Model' launch party

Elle Macpherson proved why she's called 'The Body' when she donned these body-hugging pleather pants at the "Britain's Next Top Model" launch party.
Elle Macpherson proved why she's called 'The Body' when she donned these body-hugging pleather pants at the "Britain's Next Top Model" launch party.

Portland police re-open Molly Hagerty sex case vs. Al Gore; masseuse calls ex-VP 'a pervert'

An alleged incident at a Portland hotel in 2006 has come back to haunt the former Vice President.
An alleged incident at a Portland hotel in 2006 has come back to haunt the former Vice President.

Jaycee Lee Dugard awarded $20M settlement for 18 years in clutches of kidnapper Phillip Garrido

Jaycee Lee Dugard pictured before her kidnapping in 1991.
Jaycee Lee Dugard pictured before her kidnapping in 1991.

Mel Gibson racist, profane rant at ex Oksana Grigorieva caught on tape: report

Actor Mel Gibson and girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva in happier times earlier this year.
Actor Mel Gibson and girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva in happier times earlier this year.

WORLD EXCLUSIVE: MORE Mel Gibson Rants Caught On Tape -- Calls Oksana A "Psycho C***" |

'Merchant of Venice' review: Al Pacino drops showboating for complex take on Shylock

Al Pacino gives a complex non-showboating performance as Shylock in 'Merchant of Venice.'
Al Pacino gives a complex non-showboating performance as Shylock in 'Merchant of Venice.'

Taliban attacks Nato base - CENTRAL/S. ASIA - Al Jazeera English

The Taliban said a suicide bomber detonated explosives as others stormed the airfield [AFP]

'Double Exposure' photographer: Lindsay Lohan is so 'dangerous' that she could 'bite' you - Jordaan looks ahead to the final

Jordaan looks ahead to the final

With the start of the Quarter Final matches of the 2010 FIFA World Cup™ on Friday, the Chief Executive Officer of the 2010 FIFA World Cup Organising Committee South Africa, Dr Danny Jordaan, looks ahead to the final stretch. - Jagger: I'm having a really good time

Jagger: I'm having a really good time

Rolling Stones frontman Sir Mick Jagger is back at the FIFA World Cup™ for a third time. He has been seen on TV as an enthusiastic football fan at the Round of 16 games featuring USA and Ghana, as well as his beloved England playing against Germany. - Elia lighting the Oranje way, Jul 01, 2010

Elia lighting the Oranje way
Getty Images
Always attacking, always looking to penetrate down the flanks, to torture the opposition defence with his pace and trickery, young Eljero Elia is a throwback to the good old days of Dutch football. In a side built around patience, team defending and counter-attacks, Elia stands alone as the free-thinking maverick out left. “What I want is to get myself into good positions and make danger for the team,” the Hamburg winger, 23, told “I feel like I have been doing a pretty good job when I get on the pitch and I want to stay hungry and keep going.”Alexander Language Schools, FranchiseAlexander Language or - South Americans take centre stage

South Americans take centre stage
Getty Images

One of the curiosities of this FIFA World Cup™ has been the success of the South American teams. The sight of Argentina and Brazil in the latter stages is no novelty but South American football has made history in South Africa with four of the continent's teams advancing to the quarter-finals. - Fans unite under Madiba's gaze

Fans unite under Madiba's gaze
Getty Images

Standing majestically at the entrance to the Johannesburg square that now bears his name is a towering statue of Nelson Mandela. The colossal bronze monument, six metres high and weighing 2.5 tonnes, is a symbol of South Africa's new-found optimism and has become the focal point for FIFA World Cup™ celebrations – and commiserations.

Spy Ring: Why Moscow Admit the Suspects Were Russian? - TIME

Anna Chapman, one of 10 alleged Russian spies arrested by the

Waiting for Hilary


Becoming a new US president Barack Obama proclaimed "reset" in relations with Russia for the achievement of common goals of global security. As a result prioritized Afghan and Iranian issues shifted the geopolitical struggle for South Caucasus to the background. But it seems Georgia is unhappy with the supporting roles. From time to time Tbilisi calls attention of the White House. Now Georgians set hopes on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's tour of Caucasus and her possible approval of reconciliation strategy with Abkhazia and South Ossetia. What will Washington say to Tbilisi strategists?

FBI office to be opened in Georgia

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) of the USA will open an office in Georgia, the VZGLYAD correspondent states citing to Alia.   
FBR delegation will visit Georgia for preparation work.
In May Robert Mueller, the FBI director, visited Georgia. The media say the issue of opening an office was decided that time. 
According to the newspaper, a number of changes is planned in the special services of Georgia. The foreign intelligence service will receive more authority and will be the Intelligence Service of Georgia, and the military counter-espionage of the Ministry of Defense will be cooperating with a new service.

Georgia flying to arms

 Georgia flying to arms 
Who said the East was tricky? Perhaps, that is true in respect of personalities but if we take the category of State there is no easier task than tracking down its actions and nearest steps. Georgia is no exception and its behavior in the international arena bodes no good. The minds of Georgia's current politicians seem to be preoccupied with the number-one idea of having revenge, no matter the price or means.

Cheryl Cole to make Beano debut - Gossip - NZ Herald News

Cheryl Cole to make Beano debut
Cheryl Cole to make Beano debut
British pop star Cheryl Cole is set to make an appearance in long-running comic The Beano. More

Summer Collection by Barbara Bui

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Summer Collection by Barbara Bui
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Summer Collection by Barbara Bui (photo) - Pravda.Ru

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Summer Collection by Barbara Bui

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Bill Clinton backs challenge to White House senator

Bill Clinton backs challenge to White House senator
Bill Clinton and Barack Obama Photo: AP
The move threatens to strain his relationship with Mr Obama, with whom he appeared to have mended things after a fractious period during the Democratic primary when he defeated his wife Hillary.

Jayant Patel was convicted of the manslaughter of three patients.

Jayant Patel was convicted of the manslaughter of three patients. Photo / AP

More funds needed for troubled CAF poll - UN

 More funds needed for troubled CAF poll - UN  

Independent online (SA) Wed 30 Jun 2010
 More funds needed for troubled CAF poll - UN
Libreville - Central African Republic's Independent Electoral Commission (CEI) anticipates the cost of holding twice-delayed elections to rise, a UN official said on... (photo: UN / John McIlwaine)

Fury at the Sounds of South Africa's World Cup Johannesburg

 World Cup

The New York Times Thu 1 Jul 2010
Fury at the Sounds of South Africa's World Cup
Johannesburg The Times's soccer blog has the 2010 World Cup covered from all angles, with news, features and live analysis of every match. Go to the Goal Blog Schedule... (photo: WN / John Sahid)

Nigeria Risks FIFA Ban

 Nigeria  FIFA

This Day Thu 1 Jul 2010
Nigeria Risks FIFA Ban
After a poor showing at the ongoing World Cup, President Goodluck Jonathan has suspended the Super Eagles from international competition for two years. Under the move,... (photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick)

Hooked to the World Cup: power theft rife in South Africa (Feature)

Soccer City, sometimes referred to as the FNB Stadium, is a stadium located in the Soweto area of Johannesburg, South Africa. It is located next to the South African Football Association headquarters (SAFA House) where both the FIFA offices and the Local Organising Committee for the 2010 FIFA World Cup is housed. [4]  A football-specific stadium, Soccer City currently has a capacity of 91,141, the largest in Africa. Most of the largest football events in South Africa are played at Soccer City and the venue is better suited to these events than nearby Coca-Cola Park, where the final for the Rugby World Cup in 1995 was held. Soweto and the National Exhibition Centre in Nasrec are nearby.

m&c Thu 1 Jul 2010
Hooked to the World Cup: power theft rife in South Africa (Feature)
Diepsloot, South Africa - It's only a half-hour drive from Soccer City stadium. But the township of Diepsloot, situated about 30 kilometres north of Johannesburg, is... (photo: Creative Commons / Bernard Shane Diaz)

Sudan opposition leader freed

Islamist opposition leader Hassan Turabi, second right receives greeters at his home in Khartoum, Sudan Monday, March 9, 2009.
 Al Jazeera  Thu 1 Jul 2010
Sudan opposition leader freed
A Sudanese opposition leader arrested after criticising the country's election earlier this year has been released from jail in the capital Khartoum. Hassan al-Turabi was arrested in May in the... (photo: AP / Nasser Nasser)

Algerian police killed in ambush

A police officer patrols near a damaged house in Si-Mustapha, near Boumerdes, 40 kilometers (25 miles) east of the capital, Algiers, Tuesday Feb.13, 2007 after a bomb exploded in the middle of the town, wounding five policemen.
Al Qaeda Algeria N Africa Photos Wikipedia: Al-Qaeda Organization in the Islamic Maghreb Al Jazeera
Algerian police killed in ambush
Thu 1 Jul 2010
An ambush by al-Qaeda-linked fighters in the Sahara desert near Algeria's southern border with Mali has left 11 paramilitary police dead, an Algerian security official has said. According to the

Nigeria president suspends soccer team for poor play

Nigeria president suspends soccer team for poor play
Sport Photos Nigeria FIFA Wikipedia: 2010 FIFA World Cup The Miami Herald
Nigeria president suspends soccer team for poor play
Thu 1 Jul 2010
CAPE TOWN, South Africa -- Talk about a harsh homecoming. Nigeria's fabulously named president Goodluck Jonathan said Wednesday that he is suspending the Nigerian national soccer team from... (photo: AP / Pablo Martinez Mon

YEMEN: Northern rebels accuse president of reneging on promises

Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh
Amnesty Photos Rebels Wikipedia: Ali Abdullah Saleh Yemen IRINnews
YEMEN: Northern rebels accuse president of reneging on promises
Thu 24 Jun 2010
web Photo: Adel Yahya/IRIN SANAA, 24 June 2010 (IRIN) - Abdulmalik al-Houthi, leader of the Shia rebels in the northern governorate of Saada, has accused the government of reneging on amnesty promises... (photo: AP / Amr Nabil)

Rihanna: "I'm Really Enjoying Life Right Now"

No stranger to the spotlight, Rihanna graces the cover of the August issue of Seventeen magazine - which hits newsstands Tuesday, July 6.

Inside the teen mag, the “Umbrella” singer dishes about her emotional growth, telling, “There’s a balance in my life that wasn’t there before. It’s a really different peace, a different energy.”

Heidi Klum: Kid-Friendly Supermodel

Enjoying the warm sunshine on the east coast, Heidi Klum was spotted out and about in Manhattan’s West Village on Wednesday (June 30).

Joined by Henry, Leni, Johan and Lou, along with the help of a nanny and bodyguard, the “Project Runway” babe looked cute and casual in jeans, tennis shoes, floral top and blazer.

Michael Jackson Tribute Artist Mixes Up Strange Creations

Making for quite the interestingly questionable depictions, US artist Dan Lacey has been busily creating a collection of nearly 70 Michael Jackson tribute paintings in the year since the singer's death.

Among the works are controversy-instigating nudes, as well works showing the King of Pop being pulled up by a representation of Jesus and a young Michael hanging with Tupac Shakur.

Jessica Alba and Honor Marie: Parisian Beauties

Back out for another lovely mother/daughter afternoon, Jessica Alba and Honor Marie were spotted living the good life in Paris on Wednesday (June 30).

The "Valentine's Day" darling took her adorable tot to the Jardins du Luxembourg and had a tasty lunch in the Sixth Arrondissement.

Jessica Simpson's Show: A Work in Progress

Her show “Price of Beauty” got the nod for a second season, but Jessica Simpson is switching things up a bit this time around.

According to Us magazine, the VH1 show will focus more on the “Angels” singer giving people makeovers, as shown on the finale episode, instead of traveling the world with friends, Ken Paves and Cacee Cobb.

The Dream: Being Rich Makes Fatherhood Easier

Enjoying his wealth to the fullest after having been through his share of struggles, The Dream credits his solid cash flow with easing the struggles of fatherhood.

Having welcomed his first child with Christina Milian four months back (he has 3 children with former wife Nivea), the 28-year-old music industry success story tells People magazine of raising daughter Violet Madison, “This time’s easier because I’m rich now."

Denise Richards Lands Sultry New TV Role, Jul 01, 2010

She’s been flying under the radar as of late, but Denise Richards is back and heading to Spike TV.
The 39-year-old actress is set to join the cast of the football comedy called “Blue Mountain State” in a recurring role as woman named Debra.

Kim Kardashian Visits NYC for Wax Figure Unveiling

Making her way out east, Kim Kardashian was spotted arriving into JFK Airport in New York City on Wednesday (June 30).

Joined by her supportive mother, Kris Jenner, the two lovely ladies headed out of the terminal to an awaiting car - as they made the trip so that Kim can unveil her wax figure at the famed Madame Tussauds in Times Square on Thursday, July 1.

Korea likely to join World Cup's top 30

By Yoon Chul
Staff reporter

South Korea is set to join the top 30 when the FIFA World Cup All Time Rankings are updated after the tournament.

With Korea's advance to the round of 16 it will add four points to lift it from 30th to 27th place after the 2010 South Africa World Cup.

It is the first time for Korea to join the top 30 in the All Time World Cup Rankings.

FIFA awards three points for a win and one for draw, and Korea, ranked 47th in the world scored four with a 1-1-2 record.

If countries have the same number of points, the team that took fewer games to reach the score will be placed higher.

Before this year's competition Korea had collected 19 points with a 4-7-13 record. Croatia was ranked 27th with 20 points followed by Cameroon and Scotland with 19.

But Croatia and Scotland didn't add to their tallies as they failed to qualify for these finals and Cameroon was eliminated from Group E with three losses.

The current teams in 25th and 26th are Denmark and the United States with 23 and 21 points, respectively. But the Danes collected three points and the Americans five in South Africa to remain ahead of Korea.

Meanwhile Japan, which lost to Paraguay on penalties, added seven points with two wins and two losses, as a loss in a shootout is treated as a draw.

Japan, which was ranked 44th, has improved to at least 33rd. Japan had eight points before South Africa at 2-2-6 and a total of 15.

Ghana, which has now collected seven points in 2010 alone, had 13 points. But it's World Cup campaign isn't over as they await a quarterfinal match against Uruguay.

Brazil is first with 206 points (64-14-14) followed by Germany with 184 points (55-19-18).

Italy, Argentina, England, France and Spain are next teams on the list.

Jun 30, 2010

Talk show titan Larry King to make his exit this fall - CTV News

Slideshow image

Talk show host Larry King announces his retirement during his show 'Larry King Live' on Tuesday, June 29, 2010.

Constance Droganes, entertainment writer,

CTV Ottawa- Queen's tour to highlight Canadian culture, achievements - CTV News

Queen Elizabeth II waves to the crowd as she leaves St. Mary's and St. George Anglican Church following a church service in Jasper, Alta. on Sunday, May 22, 2005. (Paul Chiasson / THE CANADIAN PRESS)

Queen Elizabeth II waves to the crowd as she leaves St. Mary's and St. George Anglican Church following a church service in Jasper, Alta. on Sunday, May 22, 2005. (Paul Chiasson / THE CANADIAN PRESS)

'Double Exposure' photographer: Lindsay Lohan is so 'dangerous' that she could 'bite' you, Jun 30, 2010

Lindsay Lohan models leggings from her new collection 6126. The photo shoot was filmed for Bravo's 'Double Exposure.' CLICK PIC for more celebrity hawkers.
Lindsay Lohan models leggings from her new collection 6126. The photo shoot was filmed for Bravo's 'Double Exposure.' CLICK PIC for more celebrity hawkers.

Molly Hagerty, masseuse who claims Al Gore sexually attacked her in 2006, comes out of hiding

Al Gore, former vice president and present climate change advocate, is facing a claim he sexually assaulted a masseuse in Portland in 2006.
Miller for News
Al Gore, former vice president and present climate change advocate, is facing a claim he sexually assaulted a masseuse in Portland in 2006.

Iraq inquiry: secret documents showing Tony Blair’s frustration published - Telegraph

By Rosa Prince, Political Correspondent
Iraq inquiry: secret documents showing Tony Blair?s frustration published
Restoring BP to its former glory would help Tony Blair atone for the Iraq war Photo: GETTY IMAGES

Andy Murray downs Jo-Wilfried Tsonga to reach Wimbledon semi-finals | Sport | The Guardian

Andy Murray

Andy Murray celebrates beating Jo-Wilfred Tsonga of France 6-7, 7-6, 6-2, 6-2 at Wimbledon. Photograph: Adrian Dennis/AFP/Getty Images

The Elements of Good Food

Chef Onil Chibás has created a haven for serious foodies at Elements Kitchen


Jersey Shore Season 2 Preview

The action doesn’t get started until July 29th, but “Jersey Shore” is giving fans a sneak peek at what’s in store for Season 2.

Given the “snowmageddon” that’s going on in the East Coast, the Guidos and Guidettes decide to head south to Miami, Florida for some fun in the sun.