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Jan 13, 2012

LIBYA News, Jan 13, 2012

Did British Spies Collude in the Rendition and Torture of Libyan Rebels?
TIME (blog)
12, British authorities launched two criminal investigations into whether, years before the uprising, British spies had actually helped deliver two Libyan rebels — and their families — toGaddafi and his henchmen. The announcement comes at a time...
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TIME (blog)
The Libya Trial -- Victor's Justice at the ICC?
Huffington Post
In Libya, Gaddafi was given over to the Libyan rebels with barely a peep. Despite the ambiguous legality of this decision, the policy underlying it could be even worse. It is always easier to target the weak. In the ICC's case, it was meant to and has ...
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Lebanon: Foreign Minister, Moussa Sadr never left Libya
(ANSAmed) - BEIRUT, JANUARY 13 - The Iranian-Lebanese Shi'ite imam, Moussa Sadr, who disappeared in 1978 after arriving in Libya, never left Tripoli for Italy, as the late Libyan colonel Muammar Gaddafi claimed. This is according to the Lebanese ...
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Ministers' role in the Libyan renditions must not be kept secret
The Guardian (blog)
Did the MI6 officers seek and obtain authority from ministers for helping to engineer the abduction of Sami al-Saadi and Abdel Hakim Belhadj in the spring of 2004, just days before Tony Blair was feted by Gaddafi in the Libyan dictator's tent? ...
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The Guardian (blog)
Blakk Rasta hits hard at West for killing Africa's redeemer, Gaddafi
Blakk Rasta made known that he will be releasing a song,Gaddafi, produced by Kaywa and Zapp Mallet, to voice out his displeasure at the killing of the former Libyan leader which occurred in October 2011. The Gaddafi song which is already on iTunes ...
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Rebuilding Libya's aviation industry crucial to economic recovery
CAPA - Centre for Aviation
Even before the NATO air strikes, the United Nations sanctions and the European Union ban, Libya's aviation industry had little hope. The country, ruled by Muammar Gaddafi under an iron fist for the last 40 years, placed little focus on its airlines ...
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Libya: TNC releases anti-democratic draft electoral laws
World Socialist Web Site
Libyan workers are blocked from participation by the requirement that candidates must have a “professional qualification.” Virtually everyone who worked at any level of Moammar Gaddafi's former government is barred, unless they can demonstrate “early ...
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Zuma wants closer ties between UN and AU
Independent Online
NEW YORK: Forging a closer relationship between the AU and the UN might avoid the sort of diplomatic crises that arose last year over the toppling of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, President Jacob Zuma told the UN Security Council yesterday. ...
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Independent Online
Uganda: Citizens Spent 2011 Reading About Gaddafi, Facebook
Many Ugandans were last year fascinated with events in Libya, where Muammar Gaddafi was driven out of power and finally killed by the very people he had led for more than four decades, while those who wished for rather softer news found solace in ...
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New Libya needs justice and accountability
(Patrick Baz/AFP/Getty Images) BOSTON — Two months after the death of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, the rattle of celebratory machine gunfire has waned in Libya — and so, too, has the euphoria of the country's newfound freedom. As revolutionary forces now ...
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Kim Sengupta: Yard may shed light on Blair's role in Libya
The Independent
... was his absolute refusal to get involved in the production of the "dodgy dossier" on Iraq. The activities of the Blair government in that illegal war are now well known. The Yard inquiry may well shed further daylight on its role inGaddafi's Libya.
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Africa: Oil and Israel - Unalterable Determinants of US Policy
King Idris I was toppled by Colonel Muammar Gaddafi in 1969 after he successfully led the country to become the poorest on the planet. Gaddafideveloped Libya to become the richest country in Africa, with over US$70 billion in reserves for a population ...
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The Fate of Bashar Assad: Will He Be the Next Gaddafi or the Next Milosevic?
To be sure, the speech echoed some of the themes of Libya's Colonel Muammar Gaddafi's valedictory rants in the months before his ouster and murder. And the Syrian regime's ongoing violence against demonstrators, even in the presence of Arab League ...
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Tunisia and Turkey on the anniversary of revolution
Today's Zaman
Coupled with that, Turkey emerges as a key ally of Tunisia in aiding its brethren in Libya in confronting domestic political challenges. In the post-Gaddafi era,Libya continues to be a major source of concern for neighboring Tunisia because of the ...
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NATO used its forces to the maximum to take Tripoli
According to the author of the article, the man, whose story the newspaper published, was struggling with the butchers of Muammar Gaddafi, foreign snipers and killers, who had come to Libya from all over the world. According to him, all of them came to ...
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Hong Kong Airport pax up 6%, cargo down in 2011
CAPA - Centre for Aviation
Even before the NATO air strikes, the United Nations sanctions and the European Union ban, Libya's aviation industry had little hope. The country, ruled by Muammar Gaddafi under an iron fist for the last 40 years, placed little focus on its airlines ...
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Police asked to examine claims of British intelligence role in torture
The Guardian
The operation coincided exactly with Tony Blair's first visit to Libya. Two days after the fax was sent, Blair arrived to shake hands with Muammar Gaddafi, and said the two nations wanted to make "common cause" in counter-terrorism operations. ...
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The Guardian
Ugandan Embassy in Libya to Re-open Soon
Tripoli Post
Kiyinji said in the interview that “Uganda has no problem relating to the LibyanPeople and in the international law, we recognize States not individuals. Therefore, Uganda's relationship with Libya cannot be jeopardized by the death of Gaddafi. ...
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Libya test run of new NATO scenario – Primakov
The Voice of Russia
Former Russian Prime Minister Yevgeni Primakov believes the removal of theLibyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was a test run of a new NATO scenario to change regimes with the help of loosely-worded resolutions of the UN Security Council. ...
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Europe is the missing link
Asia Times Online
The US attempt to outsource to Europe a leading military role in what it considers as minor battlegrounds just failed on the eve of the military intervention in Libya. In the effort to overthrow the Muammar Gaddafi's regime, the EU should have played a ...
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Nicaragua's Ortega condemned killing of Gaddafi and offered a prayer for Hussein
Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega lashed out at Israel and condemned the killing of former Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafiwhile being sworn into office this week alongside Iran and Venezuela presidents. The former Sandinista rebel accused western ...
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Libyan pilots, technicians prepare to return Mirage F1s in Malta
DefenceWeb (press release)
... disabled by technicians from Dassault in spite of calls from theGaddafi government to have them returned. The pilots (Ali Al Rabti and Abdullah al Salheen) returned to Libya in September to a heroes' welcome shortly after Tripoli was liberated. ...
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DefenceWeb (press release)
A certainty among ever-changing world...
Tamworth Herald
Tony Blair and then-Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi in 2004. Or perhaps you are expecting bad news: redundancy, the death of a loved one? Over the years I've noticed how sometimes things we think are easy to anticipate so often don't turn out how we ...
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Libyan students return to Gadhafi-free schools
Press TV
Gone is Gaddafi's green book and assorted additional learning - replaced with glossy new science and language ones. The biology books aimed for older readers. They are now being provided for by the state, one parent said that it had saved her 30 dinars ...
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Press TV
Southern Africa- Democracy Without the Citizens
... in particular North Africa, what is being now referred to as the Arab Spring made 2011 a tough year for the dictatorial regimes of Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali in Tunisia, Hosni Mubarak in Egypt and of course Gaddafi, who was killed inLibya. ...
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Russia's Rogozin: Hot Islamist summer will follow Arab Spring
Monsters and
Western powers strongly supported uprisings that toppled the leaders of Tunisia and Egypt, and a NATO-led military alliance helped Libyan rebels end the rule of Moamer Gaddafi. Parliamentary elections in Tunisia and Egypt have been dominated by ...
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Syrian split raises calls for foreign intervention
Zimbabwe Independent
Wary of the risks of engendering chaos and wider Middle East conflict given Syria's internal sectarian divisions and Assad's alliance with Iran, Nato says it has no plans to intervene as it did to back Libyan rebels who toppled MuammarGaddafi last ...
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Pro-government NGO wants Zamtel sale reversed
Zambian Watchdog
If they haven't fought in their own country to the bitter end…why didn't they save Muammar Gaddafi?” President Sata said. Commenting on President Sata's statement, Magande said: “If there were irregularities, you cannot say 'we are going to ...
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Role of MI5 and MI6 in rendition has been mired by secrecy and cover-up
The Guardian
Then came startling evidence, discovered in the ransacked Tripoli offices of Moussa Koussa, former head of Gaddafi's intelligence service, of direct MI6 involvement in the rendition of two prominentLibyan dissidents. In a letter dated 18 March 2004, ...
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The Guardian
Cold winds blowing from the North
Jerusalem Post
... on his own and that in absence of international intervention – like there was inLibya – it could still take some time. But foreign intervention is unlikely. While the world feared Muammar Gaddafi, his military was outdated and barely functional. ...
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BBC News - 'No Libyan response' on Gaddafi son as deadline nears
A deadline nears for Libya to give the International Criminal Court information about Col Gaddafi's son Saif al-Islam, wanted for crimes against humanity.
Former Gaddafi colonel becomes Libyan army's new chief of staff ... /Former-Gaddafi-colonel-becomes-Libyan-armys-new-chief-of-staff.html ...
Libya News: New Libya government must investigate Gaddafi's ...
Libya News: New Libya government must investigate Gaddafi's 32nd Brigade massacre. Gaddafi dead but alleged criminals of Gaddafi's 32nd Brigade from ...
Libyan children return to Gaddafi-free schools - Yahoo! News
From Yahoo! News: TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Libyan children are returning to schools closed for months by civil war to find one teacher gone - Muammar Gaddafi, ...
Saif Keeping: Is Libya prepared for the trial of Gaddafi's son? — RT
Saif al-Islam, the most prominent son of the country's late leader Colonel Gaddafi, is being ...
Capital News » Bashir arrives in Libya, slams Gaddafi
TRIPOLI, Jan 7 – Muammar Gaddafi caused great suffering among the Sudanese people, Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir said Saturday on his first visit to ...
Libyan militia captures Gaddafi loyalists over 'bomb plot' | World ...
The Guardian, UK and World news, User comments, Web ... The Libyan militia leader Abdullah Naker said nine Gaddafi loyalists were captured with explosives...
Bashir denounces Gaddafi during Libya visit - ABC News (Australian ...
Sudan's president Omar al-Bashir, wanted for genocide and war crimes, uses a trip to Libya to denounce slain dictator Moamar Gaddafi.
Sky News: Bashir slams Gaddafi in Libya trip
His arrival in Tripoli marked Bashir's first Libya visit since Gaddafi was ousted, but the trip faced strong criticism from New York-based Human Rights Group, ...
Libya citizens linked to Muammar Gaddafi can't run in election: draft ...
Libyans with ties to ousted leader Muammar Gaddafi will be banned from running in elections under a bill drafted by the country's new rulers.
Libyan rebel chief warns Egypt over pro-Gaddafi TV | Top News ...
TRIPOLI (Reuters) - A powerful Libyan militia leader warned Egypt on Saturday he would use force to close its embassy and shut the border if the military rulers...
Libya: Gaddafi Supporters 'Plotted To Blow Up Tripoli's ... - Sky News
A Libyan militia commander has claimed his fighters captured nine supporters of Colonel Gaddafi who had been plotting to blow up Tripoli's power grid on New ...
Libya expects to try Gaddafi son in Libya CCTV News - CNTV English
Libya expects the International Criminal Court to agree that Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, the highest-profile son of the late leader, be tried in Libya.
Libya gets more time in Gaddafi son's case - Africa - Al Jazeera ...
Hague-based ICC wants to know about physical and mental state of Saif al-Islam, now a prisoner ...
News News, Open books post Gaddafi | 7DAYS
Libya's government is reviewing the investments made during the Gaddafi era, casting a critical eye over a portfolio that includes everything from finance to ... or
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