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Nov 30, 2010

Today News, World

China 'backs Korean reunification'
Chinese officials increasingly doubt the usefulness of neighbouring North Korea as an ally and would support the reunification of the peninsula if the communist state were to collapse, according to leaked US diplomatic cables. ...
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WikiLeaks: Do they have a right to privacy?
The candid diplomatic information revealed by WikiLeaks is embarrassing, but it could also cause real harm, says Malcolm Rifkind . By Malcolm Rifkind 7:12AM GMT 30 Nov 2010 Henry Stimson, a predecessor of Hillary Clinton as US Secretary of State, ...
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Iranian scientists targeted in car bombings
Washington Post
By Thomas Erdbrink TEHRAN - A prominent Iranian nuclear scientist was killed Monday and a second was seriously wounded in nearly simultaneous car bomb attacks in the Iranian capital, the semiofficial Fars news agency reported. ...
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Washington Post
US fears Iran has long-range missile, but Russia calls it a 'myth'
CNN International
By Laurie Ure, CNN Washington (CNN) -- The United States believes that North Korea is supplying Iran with long-range missiles, suggesting Iran has strike capabilities are stronger than discussed in public, according to one of the leaked US diplomatic ...
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CNN International
OAS says Haiti election was valid
BBC News
The joint mission from the Organisation of American States and the Caribbean regional grouping, Caricom, said delays at some polling stations were not reason enough to cancel the election. Most opposition presidential candidates had called for the vote ...
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Quake jolts north-eastern Japan (Roundup)
Monsters and
There were no reports of casualties or damage to property. There was no danger of a tsunami, the agency said. The epicentre of the 12:25 pm (0325 GMT) quake was near the Ogasawara islands, which are about 1000 kilometres south of Tokyo in the Pacific, ...
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Trove of Picassos Surfaces, and So Do Questions
New York Times
By SCOTT SAYARE Above and below, drawings that are part of 271 previously unknown works that Pierre Le Guennec, an electrician who had worked for Picasso, says were given to him by the artist. The latest on the arts, coverage of live events, ...
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Afghan policeman kills six US troops
Washington Post
By Joshua Partlow and Javed Hamdard KABUL - An Afghan border police officer opened fire on US troops during a training mission in eastern Afghanistan on Monday, killing six of them in one of the worst such attacks in the past year, according to Afghan ...
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Bangladesh paralysed by opposition strike
DHAKA — Thousands of riot police patrolled the streets of the Bangladeshi capital Dhaka on Tuesday as a nationwide strike called by the main opposition party brought much of the country to a standstill. One empty bus in the city was set on fire by ...
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Kenya: Prime Minister's Remarks Leave Homosexuals Fearful of Arrest
New York Times
By AP An official with Kenya's largest gay rights organization said Monday that its members were panicked following remarks on Sunday by Prime Minister Raila Odinga that homosexuals who were discovered having sex should be arrested. ...
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TINY HOUSES | Weekly World News
By Tap Vann
Copyright © 2010 Bat Boy LLC WEEKLY WORLD NEWS and related marks are trademark of Bat Boy LLC Powered by VIP · About RSS Feed Press Terms of Use Archives Contact Privacy Policy Connect ...
Weekly World News -
Gene Therapy Technique to Help Alzheimer's Patients | World News ...
By Kara.Thomas
US scientists announced that a gene therapy technique for Alzheimer´s Disease which was tested on mice seems to have finally proven successfully. This therapy is meant to ease memory problems that are linked to this disease by helping ...
World News Heard now -
Shared Web Hosting | World News Today
By admin
Shared Web Hosting Shared hosting is often referred to as cheap, economical, budget, or personal web hosting. Any of these terms generally refer to.
World News Today -
Climate change experts adjust strategy – Washington Post | The ...
By admin
Fox News Climate change experts adjust strategy Washington Post Activists urging people to Be Veg, Go Green turn out for UN climate talks underway in Cancun, Mexico. By Juliet Eilperin Many policymakers and business leaders have come to ...
The World News Online -
Charlie Crist Signals Whether He Regrets Ditching Republican Party ...
By admin
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — Outgoing Florida Gov. Charlie Crist, who steps down in January after losing an independent bid for the U.S. Senate, says he is concerned that political divisions are preventing elected officials of both parties ...
World News Mania -

LIFESTYLE News, Nov 30, 2010

Ring in the 2011 New Year with MGM Resorts International ...
The Entertainment Capital of the World and MGM Resorts International properties along the Las Vegas Strip will be the place to ring in the 2011 New Year. ... The club-style restaurant and live music venue will offer the B.B. King's New Year's Eve Dinner & Show Package. Packages are available for $85 per person and include premium seating that is first-come first-served, party favors and a ... - Las Vegas News -

Nov 29, 2010

Yahoo News

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Half a century in the bush, Jane Goodall takes it to the silver screen...

She is a world-renowned scientist most famous for her work studying chimpanzees. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the start of her research. The film "Jane's Journey" tells us about half a century of groundbreaking work which revolutionised our knowledge of chimpanzee behaviour. Eve Jackson meets Jane Goodall.

President warns Pyongyang will pay the price for further 'provocations'

President warns Pyongyang will pay the price for further 'provocations'
South Korean President Lee Myung-Bak (centre) warned on Monday that Seoul stands ready to ensure Pyongyang "pays a dear price" for any "additional provocations" following a barrage of artillery fired from the North at a South Korean island last week.
By News Wires (text)
AFP - A grim-faced South Korean leader vowed Monday to make North Korea pay for any future provocations, following its deadly artillery attack on civilian areas which he called "a crime against humanity".

Charges of fraud, intimidation cloud Egypt's legislative poll

There is little doubt that Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's National Democratic Party will emerge victorious in Sunday's legislative elections despite opposition accusations of fraud and intimidation. Final results could be released on Monday.
By News Wires
REUTERS - Opposition charges of ballot stuffing, bullying and dirty tricks clouded a legislative election in Egypt on Sunday in which the ruling party wants to prevent its Islamist rivals from

Presidential elections declared democratic amid wait for results

Despite reports of bloodshed and political intimidation, the head of the U.N mission to the Ivory Coast said that the country's presidential elections Sunday had been conducted in a democratic atmosphere.
REUTERS - The head of the U.N. mission to Ivory Coast said on Monday the country's presidential election the day before had been conducted in a democratic atmosphere, despite isolated violence and disruptions.

Twin Tehran blasts kill one nuclear scientist, wound another

Twin Tehran blasts kill one nuclear scientist, wound another
Separate explosions in the Iranian capital Tehran killed a nuclear scientist and wounded another on Monday, both of the men professors at Shahid Beheshti University. Tehran immediately blamed the CIA and Israel for the blasts.
AFP - Twin blasts in Iran's capital killed a top nuclear scientist and wounded another Monday, with Tehran swiftly blaming the

France’s top daily highlights Sarkozy’s exposure in Wikileaks dump

France’s top daily highlights Sarkozy’s exposure in Wikileaks dump
WikiLeaks chose five daily newspapers from around the world to release the more than a quarter of a million leaked US diplomatic cables to. France’s Le Monde, among the chosen, has highlighted Washington’s views on France and US 'spying' at the UN.
By Joseph BAMAT (text)

Palestine Youth Orchestra at the Megaron | Athens News

Performing before a packed audience of all ages and descriptions at the Athens Megaron Concert Hall on Sunday night, the musicians of the Palestine Youth Orchestra (PYO) - ranging in age from 12 to 26 years old - put on an accomplished performance that many a professional musicians would have been proud of.

Panathinaikos out of Europe

Barcelona cruised into the knockout round of the Champions League on Wednesday after Lionel Messi scored his 150th goal for the Spanish club in a 3-0 victory over Panathinaikos.
Pedro Rodriguez got the other two goals, steering his first past goalkeeper Alexandros Tzorvas in the 27th minute, seconds after Adriano had forced an acrobatic save from the Greek keeper.

Yiorgos Fountas dies, aged 86 | Athens News

"Go away Stella, I am holding a knife"
"Go away Stella, I am holding a knife"
An iconic actor of the golden days of the Greek cinema, the man who was quoted more than any other actor in the history of Greek movies, Yiorgos Fountas, died on Sunday.
His funeral will be held on Tuesday in the First Athens Cemetery, where many distinguished actors are buried.
Yiorgos Fountas was born in Parnassida in 1924 and studied acting at the Theatre School of the Athens’ Lyceum.

Madeira Island - The Christopher Columbus Museum on Porto Santo

Somewhat unknown, seemingly discreet at times, is the fact that Christopher Columbus lived, married and even had child (Diogo Columbo) on the island of Porto Santo. Christopher Columbus in keeping with the typical activities of his Genoese heritage - trade, plied back and forth between the Madeiran Archipelago and Lisbon selling sugar and sugar cane. It was only after the untimely death of his wife (the daughter of the Porto Santo Governor) that eventually led him to leave the island and venture into the schemes and plans to discover the New World, or the new route to India.

Christopher Columbus 'was son of Polish king'

The explorer, Christopher Columbus, was the son of a Polish king living in exile in Madeira and hid his royal roots to protect his father, a new book claims.
The explorer, Christopher Columbus, was the son of a Polish king living in exile in Madeira and hid his royal roots to protect his father, a new book claims.
Christopher Columbus arriving at one of the Caribbean islands on his voyage of discovery
A Portuguese historian believes he has solved the 500 year-old mystery of the adventurer's true identity after a thorough investigation of medieval documents and chronicles.

North and South Korea move close to war footing

Pyongyang on Sunday moved SA2 surface-to-air missiles nearer to its Yellow Sea coast, according to South Korean military officials quoted by the Yonhap news agency. The officials said they also detected signs that North Korea was preparing multiple-launch rocket systems in the same area.

WikiLeaks sparks worldwide diplomatic crisis

The King of Saudi Arabia privately urged the United States to attack Iran to destroy its nuclear weapons programme, according to diplomatic cables leaked by a website

The King of Saudi Arabia privately urged the United States to attack Iran to destroy its nuclear weapons programme, according to diplomatic cables leaked by the whistle-blowing website, WikiLeaks.
King Abdullah of Sauid Arabia, US Foreign Secretary Hillary Clinton and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Photo: AP

LESLIE NIELSEN, Star of The Naked Gun films, Dies Aged 84, Nov 29, 2010

leslie nielsen
Leslie Nielsen, the actor best known for playing the accident-prone detective Frank Drebin in The Gun comedy films, has died. He was 84.
The Canadian-born star died from complications from pneumonia at a hospital near his home in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, at around 5.30pm local time with his wife Barbaree at his bedside.
During a career spanning six decades, Nielsen started out as a serious actor but traded his dramatic persona for comedy after starring in the 1980 film Airplane!.

CWG scam: Kalmadi surfaces, says will answer all CBI questions

NEW DELHI: After his Chinese sojourn, tainted Commonwealth Games Organising Committee chairman Suresh Kalmadi on Monday surfaced in the Parliament, even as he awaits his fate for his alleged involvement in various 2010 Delhi Games scam.

Ash from Indonesian volcano forces airport to shut

JAKARTA: Ash eruptions from Mount Bromo volcano forced the closure of a nearby airport in Indonesia's East Java province, an official said Monday.

Nearly 100 children hurt in China school stampede

BEIJING: Nearly 100 children were hurt in a stampede Monday at a primary school in China's far-western Xinjiang region but no deaths have been reported, state media reported.

US diplomats called Putin 'alpha male': Report

MOSCOW: US diplomats refer to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev as a hesitant leader and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin as an "alpha male," Kommersant reported on Monday citing documents released by WikiLeaks.

Williams doesn't want to pip Charles as next king

LONDON: Putting an end to the debate over succession, prince William has hinted that he has "no desire" to become the next monarch, encroaching his father prince Charles' role as heir to the British throne.

Saudi King calls Zardari rotten head

ISLAMABAD: The king of Saudi Arabia, a close ally of Pakistan, has labelled President Asif Ali Zardari the greatest obstacle to the country's progress.

Today News, World

Cancun Climate Conference: What is my carbon footprint?
People are already asking questions about the green credentials of Cancun. So what is the carbon footprint of travelling to a summit that is supposed to be cutting greenhouse gases? By Louise Gray, Environment Correspondent 7:00AM GMT 29 Nov 2010 The ...
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Royal Commission inquiry welcomed by survivor
West Coast miner Russell Smith is welcoming news of a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the disaster. The coal cutter survived the initial blast on November 19, and says there are so many questions to be answered. Smith can't understand how the blast ...
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WikiLeaks: Red Crescent smuggled weapons for Iran
Secret documents leaked by the controversial Web entity WikiLeaks say Iran used ambulances to smuggle weapons into Lebanon during Hezbollah's 2006 war with Israel. Additional documents exposed Sunday say Mossad chief Meir Dagan suggested the US make ...
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Netanyahu wants Israel to become a refugee hell
The Prime Minister hopes that the refugees' experience in our country will be so bad that they will not even dream of coming here anymore. By Yossi Sarid There is no need to delve too deeply to assess the wondrous intentions of the Israeli government, ...
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U.S. sees top German diplomat arrogant: WikiLeaks
German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle (C) speaks during ceremony marking National Day of Mourning in the Reichstag in Berlin, November 14, 2010. By Brian Rohan BERLIN (Reuters) - US diplomats describe German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle as ...
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Bodies of twelve plane crash victims recovered
Daily Times
By Atif Raza KARACHI: Bodies of 12 victims of the Russian cargo plane were recovered on Sunday, while rescuers remained unable to recover the plane's black box from the rubble. According to reports, Russian cargo plane IL-76, Flight number MGCC142 ...
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Wikileaks docs: 'Israel overestimating Iranian nuke program'
Wikileaks documents reveal that Israel's attempt to convey sense of urgency, its contradicting assessments on when Iran would achieve nuclear ability made US officials take its warnings 'with a grain of salt'. One US diplomat noted it was not clear ...
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Assange could face legal action: A-G
The Australian
FEDERAL Attorney-General Robert McClelland has foreshadowed possible legal action against the Australian founder of the WikiLeaks website. Julia Gillard told a news conference this afternoon that the government was keeping a "close appraisal" of the ...
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Gillard Pledges to Push Climate Change, Health Care
Wall Street Journal
By RACHEL PANNETT CANBERRA—Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard vowed Monday to press ahead with economy-shaping initiatives on climate policy and health care in 2011 despite her center-left Labor Party's fragile grip on power. ...
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Pfc. Bradley Manning, Lady Gaga And How 250000 Top Secret Documents Were Leaked
Weasel Zippers
Heads should roll for this – and I don't just mean that traitorous scum, Bradley Manning. The fact that the administration of President Barack Obama was given advance notice and yet, still allowed the leak of this information to proceed is ...
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US spying on UN leadership | World news |
By twitter:@davidmunk
US spying on UN leadership via @guardian.
TweetMeme -
King World News Weekly Metals Wrap : Welcome To Jim Sinclair's MineSet
By Jim Sinclair
Filed under: General Editorial, King World News. Dear CIGAs,. Click the link below to listen to this week's metals wrap up from King World News, once again featuring our very own Trader Dan Norcini. Click here to listen to the interview ...
Welcome To Jim Sinclair's MineSet -
WIKILEAKS – IT'S A GUSHER! | Weekly World News
By Tap Vann
A cache of a quarter-million confidential American diplomatic cables, most of them from the past three years, provides an unprecedented look at back-room bargaining by embassies around the world, brutally candid views of foreign leaders ...
Weekly World News -
Gold Prices soar near $1375 | World News Heard now
By Amy Sanders
The price of gold has reportedly dipped about $3 to $1373 this was on Thursday morning. This dip is accredited to the fact that Wall Street was closed for the thanksgiving holiday on that particular day.
World News Heard now -
Lindsey Graham: 'Don't Ask Don't Tell Is Not Going Anywhere ...
By admin
"This is a political promise made by Senator Obama when he was running for president," said Graham, during an appearance on Fox News Sunday. "There is no groundswell of opposition to Don't Ask, Don't Tell coming from our military. ...
World News Mania - Bay State Banner - World News
In the News · News Notes ... News & Reviews · Boston Scenes · Billboard · Dining Out · Community Resources · Church Listings ... WORLD NEWS ...

CELEBRITY News, Rumors & Gossip, Nov 29, 2010


JESSICA Simpson has threatened to make another pop record!
The singer, actress and reality TV star — who recently announced her engagement to beau Eric Johnson — has a Christmas themed album coming in December and is also planing to spend time working on material for a new pop album.
“I want to make another record, actually,” she said.
“I want to make another pop record. I’m just going to start writing and researching and hopefully work with The-Dream and Tricky again.
“We talked about it so we’ll see what I get in and what I create. Music is definitely my number two priority next to love.”
Simpson recently revealed she was the last member of her family to know Johnson planned to propose to her.
“He kept the ring hidden in a shoe somewhere in my house and had talked to my dad, he had talked to my mom, he even talked to my sister. Everyone knew but me!” Jessica said during an interview with chat show host Jimmy Fallon.
Eric, 31, popped the question while at home with Jessica, 30, and the blonde beauty admits his surprise proposal was “romantic”.
“It was at my house. It was romantic that he actually asked me at my house, because that’s my little safe haven” she said. (more…)

Today News, Lifestyle

December calendar
Features crafts, drawings, live music, free corndogs or soup for ages 12 and younger. Soup luncheon served from 11 am-2 pm 882-6883 The ninth annual Dickens ...
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Wwe Tickets | Anabolic Steroids
By admin
World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. is a publicly traded, privately controlled integrated media. It focuses on television, Internet, and live events and sports Entertainment Company dealing primarily in the professional wrestling industry. ... Around the same time, professional wrestler Joseph Raymond 'Toots' Mondt made a new style of professional wrestling that he called Slam Bang Western Style Wrestling to make the sport more appealing to spectators. ...
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La Wlooo!!!…Facebook Freaks, Be GONE! | Beirut Night Life:: Beirut ...
E.A.wrote: Hi, how are you? it is nice to meet new people hope you consider. I am a teacher for English language and computer. I love walking , comic movies, and my computer. I am Lebanese and Australian I live in Beirut. plz send your mail .... Of course girls like the attention, but not when it's coming from a semi-psycho stalker who is lost in the World Wide Web, desperately searching for his next girlfriend (and Facebook has made this all the more easier) – this will ...
Beirut Night Life:: Beirut The... -
Tacori Fine Fashion Jewelry. Tacori Earrings « Fashion Jewelry
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Many of these dangling earrings feature of the new style Tacori Crescent param? Very Silhouette f? A diamond. Tacori earrings are the perfect accessory f? A woman who admires the jewelry? hand. The styles in this area, Pav? ..... Indianapolis Colts Live online game ?????????????????????? ?????????????????? In fact, we r? Ussir? three, 000 s channels? day to see sport and entertainment. It is really easy? use and should look? difficuty find a San Diego Chargers vs. ...
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'Naked Gun' Star Leslie Nielsen Dies At 84 « CBS Los Angeles- News ...
By debbie_meron
Sorry to hear this news. I enjoyed him in Forbidden Planet, Braken's World, the original Poseiden Adventure, and tons of other shows and movies. He will be missed (but his performances live on). Condolences to the family. ...
CBS Los Angeles- News, Sports,... -
ThE QuEeR LiFeStYlE: Fashion Celebrity: Michael Steger
By Tofi Luk
The Queer Lifestyle Official Banner Logo is the sole property, original idea and artwork of the blogger. And so with the entirety of the blog such as segments, promotions, template designs, color management and conceptualization. ... Finally, music has also a huge contribution to my well being. There are music icons that mostly became influential to me. These artists are essentially made an impression to last. Relative to my passion, I'm exercising my solid rights to ...
ThE QuEeR LiFeStYlE -
World Premiere Recording of Ancient Melodies | Arts Entertainment ...
By By Pamela Tsai/Epoch Times Staff
Pipa virtuoso Wu Man then played the translated music and the results for the listener are to hear, as nearly as possible, those ancient melodies. The performance was further rounded out by the Kronos Quartet, Wu's long-time ... both in terms of its introducing the Tang pipa legacy (in its Sino-Japanese transmission) to the modern world—as a unique and precious part of Chinese cultural heritage—and of Wu Man's own role now in bringing this legacy it to life in ways that ...
Epoch Times | All headlines -
MyWeku top 7 posts for 2010 «
By MyWeku
Our 20 Ultimate Rainmakers are represented in each of the categories: Politics, Entertainment, Style & Fashion, Tech, Business, Videography, Human Rights, Green , Sports, Education, Media, Arts and Philanthropy. A look at Ghana's Famous Staple: Kenkey ... Many around the world engaged actively with the features on the various artists who through thier music made the world cup such a memorable event on this website. These articles received the most comments on MyWeku. ... -
Studying Amish style in a whole new light - ...
Within the walls of the Lancaster Quilt & Textile Museum, a new exhibit is being researched, designed and planned by a group of six college students who are learning more than they ever thought they would about quilts and fashion.
LancasterOnline - -
The Alexander Report » » Fashion Climate of 2010 with New Trends (II)
The locavore movement, dedicated to eating locally grown food as a means toward sustainability and eco-consciousness, seems likely to influence other areas of life. In fact, trend forecaster Faith Popcorn has made the concept of localization the cornerstone of her ... In the world of fashion and style, the calendar flip to a new year is something akin to getting the key to a brand-new, bare-to-the-walls walk-in closet right next to the one we just finished filling up. ...
The Alexander Report -
A Dream Was Born - The New Wild World Soccer
Soccer is a hugely popular international sport. If the general enthusiasm and public interest that is noticed during the FIFA World Cup matches is anything to go by, it can be safely inferred it's probably the most popular sport in the world today. ... If the fans can support the life you have a Germany Soccer Jersey home team. Hope all Xinye love of the game are more concerned about the concerns of the villagers under the roots of our own team - the new wild world soccer ...
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Evolution Of Skate clothing | Graduate Jobs | Graduate Programs ...
Skate boarding is one of the most popular extreme sports in the world today. What used to be an underground activity shunned by the main stream world is now a famous sport that has taken the world by storm. .... If implemented together well then style and substance are two things that are great. But this is quite rare as in the fashion world you often find that style is taken into consideration more than substance, which is why you often get clothes that look great but ...
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Twenty Years On They're Still Bouncing |
By Voxy News Engine
When high-school boys Greg Attonito (vocals), Pete Steinkopf (guitar), Bryan Kienlen (bass) and Shal Khichi (drums) entered the stage at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Bernardsville, New Jersey, in 1989, little did they know that they would become ... "Now it's called file sharing but I think that it is something that rather helps the Bouncing Souls than hurt them, because our music spreads across the world so easily and so quickly without us lifting a finger," he says. ... - Entertainment -
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For years, the bottom right corner of the screen TRT'deki news bulletins of what's going on in the world following the hearing through an interpreter, a role model for the study was signed. ... Hearing impaired life described in the film will be released on December 3rd World Disabled Week. Prime Ministry Administration on Disabled People and the Federation of the Deaf and the film is supported by the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Culture, Inc., as those who follow ...
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King: WikiLeaks Release 'Worse Than Military Attack' « CBS New ...
By pvictorwins
The cables also contained new revelations about long-simmering nuclear trouble spots, detailing U.S., Israeli and Arab world fears of Iran's growing nuclear program, American concerns about Pakistan's atomic arsenal and U.S. discussions about a united Korean peninsula as a long-term solution to .... That's prove to us we live in a developed human right country.that's amazing.hiding the truth is the core of human right. November 28, 2010 at 6:14 pm | Reply | Report comment ...
CBS New York - News, Sports,... -
Leaked US cables reveal sensitive diplomacy | AAJ News
The cables also contained new revelations about long-simmering nuclear trouble spots, detailing U.S., Israeli and Arab world fears of Iran's growing nuclear program, American concerns about Pakistan's atomic arsenal and U.S. discussions ...
AAJ News -
New Digestive Enzyme Remedies Given: Taking Control of Your Life ...
The authors' companion book, Mannie's Diet and Enzyme Formula — A Change of Lifestyle Diet for Arthritis, Inflammation, Gout, Crohn's, IBD and IBS, coauthored with Ashley F. Brooks, provides answers and illumination for the 79 million ...
PRLog.Org World Top 10 -
Scott Atran: NATO's Mission Impossible: Its Effects on the Afghan ...
Danger to us lies in the fact that al Qaeda, which seeks to hijack and exploit globalization for a radically different world order, depends for its success on piggybacking essentially local and regional struggles that have hitherto ... Do you tell your Saudi allies to change the status of women and adopt your lifestyle?” After 9/11, Taliban leaders called a meeting to try to figure out how they might disinvite their troublesome “guest” (a sacred status afforded even ...
Top Feeds News -
Anti-Aging Products – A General Synopsis | Entertainment Tonight
By admin
One of the biggest steps someone can take in the battle against age is to lead a healthy lifestyle. Anti-aging health is all about your lifestyle, eating habits, fitness, and a number of other factors which can affect how well a person ages. Maintaining such a lifestyle requires a certain level .... New Online Broadcast Service For Gospel Entertainment And Music – Getv – Invites Churches And Gospel Artists To Share Their Ministries With The World | Popular Musicals said, ...
Entertainment Tonight -
Lifestyle Products 9-Foot Wood Market Umbrella, Solid Navy | Akira ...
Lifestyle Products 9-Foot Wood Market Umbrella, Solid Navy Outdoor market umbrella with quad pulley system for smooth operation1-1/2-inch wood pole for.
Akira Daily News -
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School in Brooklyn, when in Madrid, Beckham also had to take children to school to spend 1.17 million pounds to buy a car called the world's fastest Lamborghini sports car, this car white sports car speeds up to 190 miles / hour? ... Fever after the Beckhams had been in the hospital care of the fragile life of the small Romeo, in order to care for their children, Victoria resolutely to give up the entertainment business, concentrate on kids back home to take care of her ...
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He begins the search process by mapping his passion, music, to potential music industry career possibilities, including being a radio DJ. (01:12). Volvo and Vattenfall to Develop New Plug-In Hybrids ... Winplus is a global company that produces innovative auto lifestyle products. Dan Sheehan, the company's CEO, cites various sources of inspiration- from tracking trends in the auto marketplace to sampling products during his travels overseas. Sheehan discusses his unique ...
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ArtUndressed For Art Basel 12/1-3/10
By soulofmiami
The ARTundressed Exhibition is a celebration featuring the sensual attributes in Art; Music; Fashion; and Entertainment. It offers a unique opportunity to experience the sensual aspects of the visual and performing arts with a ... Combined with some of the best local and international talents, live performances, as well as the support and participation of some of the most prominent organizations in the art community, this year's ARTundressed is definitely one event not to ...
Soul Of Miami -
No Comment - Fashion, Style, & Entertainment | Ebony Inspired
By Ebony
Health and staying healthy, making your space your, and how you live. Fashion, Style, & Entertainment. Tips on fashion and interesting tidbits from the world of entertainment. Ebony's Observations. Views and perspectives ...
Ebony Inspired -
Bristol Palin Should Have Won Dancing With the - ...
By Mr. X offers the cool & latest Lifestyle & Entertainment News, Blog, Grapevine. ... Cool · Pics · Bola · Diva · World. Living News & Leisure Buzz. Monday, November 29, 2010. Bristol Palin Should Have Won Dancing With the Stars! ...
Lifestyle & Entertainment Buzz -
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You can watch documentaries, movies, music videos, news, sports TV, weather, shopping channels, educational channels, kids television, hunting channels, and much more. Streaming Free Live NFL Football Games on Computer – Fact # 2 ... -
Sheila Fell: A Passion for Paint - The Ticket - TV & Entertainment ...
By Martin Newman
Writing in the foreword to Cate Haste's lovingly written tome A Passion for Paint, friend and contemporary Frank Auerbach comments on her "fervent and adventurous life which was all too short". Auerbach writes: "Sheila's paintings .... He gives a wrap of new exhibitions, books, news and gossip from the art world exclusively for's The Ticket blog. View all of Martin's posts . Ian Sturgess. Ian rounds up the best music-related releases on DVD for The Ticket. ...
The Ticket - TV & Entertainment... -
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Nov 28, 2010

China calls for emergency talks on Korea crisis

China called on Sunday for emergency talks between North and South Korea to be held in early December. Pyongyang has reportedly moved moved an array of missiles to the border while the US and South Korean militaries performed massive military drills.

Swiss approve automatic expulsion of foreign criminals

Swiss approve automatic expulsion of foreign criminals
Swiss voters on Sunday approved a plan to automatically deport foreigners found guilty of committing serious crimes or benefit fraud. Some 52.9 percent backed the proposal by the far-right Swiss People's Party, according to broadcaster SF1.