Today: Cardiac Rehab Linked to Reduced Risk of Death


ALS, Alexander Language Schools Franchise

May 28, 2011

Cardiac Rehab Linked to Reduced Risk of Death

"May 16, 2011 -- Sticking with a cardiac rehab program in the aftermath of heart surgery can be a real lifesaver, according to a new study by researchers at the Mayo Clinic.

The study showed that patients who participated in a program that combined exercise, nutrition, and counseling were more likely to live longer after a percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), in which plaque-clogged heart arteries are unblocked. The procedure is also known as an angioplasty.

The researchers reviewed the outcomes of Mayo Clinic patients who had undergone a PCI during the 14- year period from 1994 to 2008. Of the nearly 2,400 records they reviewed, those patients who had participated in the clinic’s cardiac rehab program were nearly 50% less likely to die than patients who had not participated. The outcomes were similar regardless of whether the patient was a man or woman, younger or older."

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