Today: EVERYDAY Health News, Nov 17, 2011


ALS, Alexander Language Schools Franchise

Nov 17, 2011

EVERYDAY Health News, Nov 17, 2011

Tyrie Jenkins, MD (
It's important for a newborn to have a screening in the first three months; after that, a repeat screening should be done sometime between ages 3 and 5, and later in childhood as needed. It's recommended that adults with no signs of vision loss or risk factors between the ages of 20 and 64 get an eye disease screening around the age of 40 and then every three to five years. After the age of 65 a full eye exam is recommended every year.
William J. Faulkner, MD (
A preschool exam for children is mandatory to diagnose amblyopia, or lazy eye. In childhood, refractive errors develop that necessitate glasses. If contact lenses are worn, regular checkups are important. If you're over 60, annual exams are recommended; otherwise, an exam every two years is reasonable unless you have risk factors for eye disease or a family history that predisposes you.
David K. Coats, MD (
All children should have their eyes screened as a routine part of their well-child evaluations with their pediatricians. During a well-child evaluation, a pediatrician screens many body systems — the neurological system, the pulmonary system, and the cardiovascular system, to name a few. The visual system is no different in its need for a screening examination.For an otherwise healthy child with no risk factors for eye disease, a formal eye exam by an eye specialist is unnecessary. However, a child should have such an exam any time an eye problem is detected or suspected and any time a child has a disease or condition that is known to be associated with eye problems.
Julia A. Haller, MD (
Small children should be examined every two years, school-age children every year, adults near 40 or over every year — and if you have a family history of an eye disease, get your eyes checked every year regardless of age. email: or
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