Full text of "The Roman martyrology" - Internet Archive
At Bologna, of St. Guarinus, bishop of Palestrina and Cardinal, renowned for ...... 26 Callistus, St., M., and others Apr. 16 Callistus, St., M Apr. 25 Callistus, St., B., ...
Full text of "Printing at Brescia in the fifteenth century : a list ...
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St Bride Foundation, Bride Lane, E.G., May 1905. CON! PEN! rs PREFACE . ..... Apr. [25 Mar.] 1496. Proba Falconia. ... GUARINUS Veronensis. De aequivocis.Full text of "Descriptive catalogue of the charters and ...
It is probable that the early Abbots of St
Augustine's, Bristol, were the originators of the tale, thinking ......
et Rodbertus de Dunstanvilla, et Ricardus de Humez constabularius, et
Maneser Biseth dapifer et Guarinus ...... Worcester, 2 Apr. 25 Hen.
Internet Archive Search: subject:"Belles-lettres"
Juliana Saint, of Nicomedia 1. Juliana, of Nicomedia, Saint, active 3rd century-4th century 1. Mercantile Library ..... Guarinus Veronensis. Mar 14, 2012 03/12.
Full text of "Census of fifteenth century books owned in ...
The Bibliographical Society of America held its first meeting at St. Louis on October 18, 1904. ...... May [Apr. 25]. f°. ..... See Guarinus, 8127- Baptista Hispaniolus.
Internet Archive Search: date:1498
Add: Parallela (Tr: Guarinus Veronensis). Oct 28, 2014 10/14 ..... by Methodius, of Olympus, Saint, -311; Aytinger, Wolfgang. Tractatus super Methodium; Brant, ...
Full text of "Census of fifteenth century books owned in ...
The Bibliographical Society of America held its first meeting at St. Louis on October 18, 1904. The printed ...... May [Apr. 25). f°. ..... Sec Guarinus, 8127- 8132 .
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... l'abbé de Saint-Pierre, Voltaire, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Montesquieu, Malby, Mairan, marquis de Sainte-Aulaire, comte de Tressan ..... Guarinus Veronensis.Full text of "Descriptive catalogue of the charters and ...
It is probable that the early Abbots of St.
Augustine's, Bristol, were the originators of the tale, thinking ......
et Rodbertus de Dunstanvilla, et Ricardus de Humez constabularius, et
Maneser Biseth dapifer et Guarinus ...... Worcester, 2 Apr. 25 Hen.
Full text of "The family memoirs of the Rev. William Stukeley ...
With L^ Harley* in his Library, Dover Street Apr. 25. ...... author of it was Robertus Salopianus," tho' I dont find it is dedicated to Guarinus of Wor- cester, as Leland ...Full text of "The family memoirs of the Rev. William Stukeley ...
Apr. 21. With L''- Harley^ in his Library, Dover Street. Apr. 25. I presented my ...... I dont find it is dedicated to Guarinus of Wor- | cester, as Leland says that was, ...Full text of "The book of dignities; containing rolls of the ...
St. Sebert, or Sabert ; son of the preceding : first Christian king. 614. ...... Warine, or Guarinus, prior of Loches, in Touraine, vice-chancellor. ...... Apr. 25. l)r.Full text of "Descriptive catalogue of the charters and ...
It is probable that the early Abbots of St.
Augustine's, Bristol, were the originators of the tale, thinking ......
et Rodbertus de Dunstanvilla, et Ricardus de Humez constabularius, et
Maneser Biseth dapifer et Guarinus ...... Worcester, 2 Apr. 25 Hen.
Texts - Internet Archive
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Topics: Belles-lettres, Incunables, Incunabula. Bibliotheque Sainte Genevieve. 284 284. De liberis educandis. Trad. Guarinus Veronensis. Mar 14, 2012 03/12.Full text of "Catalogue of additions to the manuscripts in the ...
73 ;— ^ir St John Brodrick to John Evelyn (two letters), 5 Apr., 25 May, 1694, ff. ...... conceding to the Abbat [Guarinus] and convent of Valles Sarnaii [Vaux de ...Full text of "The family memoirs of the Rev. William Stukeley ...
With L^ Harley* in his Library, Dover Street Apr. 25. ...... I suppose the author of it was Robertus Salopianus," tho* I dont find it is dedicated to Guarinus of Wor- ...Full text of "Bedfordshire notes and queries" - Internet Archive
J. Q. Itaynes, 14, Gbeat James Street, Russell Square, Xiondon. John Waller ...... Guarinus, dean of Berkhampsted« Matilda de Say. William ...... 1577, Apr. 25.
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PLUTARCHUS. De liberis educandis. Trad. Guarinus Veronensis. — BASILIUS MAGNUS, S. De legendis antiquorum libris. Trad. Leonardus Brunus Aretinus.Full text of "Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen. Beiheft"
§er^ogen griberid^en jngefjörid^, in St)flanbt | jngetragen, :c. ...... Guarinus. de Benedictis, Johannes Jacobus et Hieronymus, de Bononia. ..... Apr. (25 Mart.) ...Full text of "The book of dignities; containing rolls of the ...
Anne ; married, 1st, Henry Holland, duke of Exeter ; and, 2d, sir Thomas St Leger, knt 10. ...... Warine, or Guarinus, prior of Loches, in Touraine, vice-chancellor. ...... William Finch, vice-chamberlain of the household. 1743. Apr. 25. Dr. Thomas ...Full text of "A Catalogue of the Printed Books in the Library ...
He was educated at St. Peter's School, then called the School in the Horse Fair, and graduated at St ...... BasUece, Th. Guarinus^ 1581 De Bepublica, M. 8vo. ...... 147 Dapont (John) Thanksgiving Sermon at Aysgarth, Apr. 25, 1749, B, 8vo.
Full text of "Chronica magistri Rogeri de Houedene"
He dreams on board his ship of the appearance of his patron saint, ...... The editors of the Gallia Christiana say, " Nescio cur annis, 1195, 1197, " 1198, Guarinus dicatur electus. ...... Deinde idem comes venit Rothomagum ; et die Apr. 25.Full text of "Synopsis historiae Societatis Jesu"
Mart. n. st. Ro- bertus Southwellus post diuturnos et dirissimos erueiatus Tyburni su- ...... 1687 Aegidius Estrix 1687 — 1694 Franciseus Guarinus 1694 — 1697 ...... Apr. . 25. Aug. 17. Sept. . 1. Nov. . 1, Nov. . 10. Iul. . 21. Dec. 1808 1810 1815Full text of "Historiae patriae monumenta edita iussu regis ...
Astegiano, // Possesso di Guastalla e Luzzara, Arch. St. Lotnb., gitigno 1882. ...... S7 trova pnre in estratto in doc. del 1347, apr. 25). ...... Guarinus PaziaM.Full text of "Regesta pontificum romanorum : ab condita ...
S. i S. J Petrus a Albericus a Stephanus . . . .a Guarinus d. ...... Orig. in Arch. dep. du Calvados in Caen, Fonds de St.-Andre-en-Gouffern n. 11. — „(Desi- ...... 211. — „Dominus sapientia". 168 ALEXANDER III. 1159—1181. Apr. 25. 29. Mai. 2.Full text of "Quellen und Untersuchungen zur lateinischen ...
Warum Roersch, La biblioth^que de Fran^ois Modius etc., Saint-Omer 1900, S. 11, den 22. ...... Guarinus
Veronensis 85; 92 Gudius, M. 111 Guliehnus, J. 13; 40; 43; 45; 54; 89;
94 f.; 121; 134; 144 Hagius, H. 144 ...... Sol in Tauram Apr. 25.Full text of "Indices chronologici ad Scriptores Rerum ...
c.v. n. 23} — Spotorno (St. letter, Lig. II, 381). Xil INDlCaS ...... 1290, apr. 25, firmata). (A., 139- 144). 365. ..... Silvester Guarinus Aversanus (iti. A ver- sa), in diario ...
Full text of "Die Matrikel der Unversität Heidelberg" - Internet ...
6 Bl. 105) i.st leer gelassen, jedenfalls in der Absicht, dass die in der Zeit vom ...... Apr. 25. 1. Apr. Maij. 03. 04. Philippus Meraldus, Aurelius, cum diseipulis ... Sancto Guarinus 3 Wendeliuus Gollerus, Weisscnburgensis Adrianus Frisius, ...Full text of "Die Matrikel der Unversität Heidelberg" - Internet ...
upcriore, tcstante lioc ipso eiusdem anni roctoic, a festo Joannis bapti.st(^ us(]ue ad ...... Apr. 25. Apr. 1. ll^j. 63. 64. Philippus Meraldus, AureliuB, cum discipulis duobus ... Spirensis j Joannes Bambach, Saneto Guarinus* Wendelinus Gollerus[PDF]The Roman martyrology - Saints' Books
St. Elizabeth of Hungary, who gave her all ... Hatters. St. Stevens ol Ravenna, who was a hatter before his election to the ...... At Bologna, St. Guarinus, bishop ...... 4. Agathopodes, St., D...Apr. 25. Agathopus, St.,. M. Dec. 23. Agericus, St., B.
Conservation of this volume was made i^ jsw^h^Mfar ...
He dreams on board his ship of the appearance of his patron saint, ...... The editors of the Gallia Christiana say, " Nescio cur annis, 1195, 1197, " 1198, Guarinus dicatur electus. ...... Deinde idem comes venit Rothomagum ; et die Apr. 25.Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from ...
Donna donat canonids S. T.aurentii arvi petiam cle fyndo Lacuna Magagnaga. ...... Testis et manus investitor Petrus Guarinus, Ugo Mazo, Petrus Fariolus, Rigo da Galisterna, Mulinarius Zampune, Zun- dellus, Rambertinus ...... apr. 25, ImolaeDigitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from ...
Guarinus, pbr, de Tirabuschis de Scrina, cum fre s. ...... esperant en Dieu avoir et gaigne la benedicion et absolucion de notre saint pere pp. .... V. apr. 25 Ego Catherina de Eckerczaw, rei. qd. magnif. d. lohannis de Sternbergk, cum ff. mm.[PDF]Indices chronologici ad Scriptores Rerum Italicarum quos ...
Andrea Navagero, St. Yen. — V. n. 80. 43. 787 =(3000a. ...... 1290, apr. 25, firmata). (A., 139-. 144). 365. ...... Guarinus Aversanus (iti. Aver- sa), in diario aetatis ...1 1 * * V "v»- .i».^i,r !. '! '^'Mm w^ m Digitized by the Internet ...
de Anfe- Otton Gelier Berengarius Ogerius Berenger Haton Ivonius
Danissius 5. ...... l'Appennino e l'Adriatico, ancora in gran parte
coperta da paludi e foreste (St/va Litana); e il risultato si potè dire giunto a ...... 1192 28 apr. 25 Gap.Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from ...
G. G. Coulton, 'From St. Francis to Dante'. ...... de Sancto Vitale et Imildae dicunturS^M^IwM^M^tM^MsMOM^I f INDIGES GHRONOLOGICI AD ...
c.v. n. 23} — Spotorno (St. letter, Lig. II, 381). Xil INDlCaS ...... 1290, apr. 25, firmata). (A., 139- 144). 365. ..... Silvester Guarinus Aversanus (iti. A ver- sa), in diario ...
Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from ...
1126 Honorius episcopus servus servorum Dei venerabili fratri Tul- Apr. 25. lensi episcopo^ salatem et apostolicam benedictionem. .... St(ephano) Parisiensi episcopis salutem et apostolicam benedictionem. ...... Guarinus vide Warinus.
Full text of "Quellen und Untersuchungen zur lateinischen ...
Warum Roersch, La biblioth^que de Fran^ois Modius etc., Saint-Omer 1900, S. 11, den 22. ...... Guarinus
Veronensis 85; 92 Gudius, M. 111 Guliehnus, J. 13; 40; 43; 45; 54; 89;
94 f.; 121; 134; 144 Hagius, H. 144 ...... Sol in Tauram Apr. 25.User Account
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Topics: Belles-lettres, Incunables, Incunabula. Bibliotheque Sainte Genevieve. 280 280. De liberis educandis. Trad. Guarinus Veronensis. Mar 14, 2012 03/12.[PDF]Chronica magistri Rogeri de Houedene
the shrine of a saint would be popularly regarded as a special object of Divine ...... 1198, Guarinus dicatur electus." Mr. Stapleton (Norman ...... Apr. 25. Dominica in octavis. Paschse, videlicet vii^. kalendas vestedVs"". Maii, festo Sancti Marci ...Full text of "Epistolae pontificum romanorum ineditae"
Honorius episcopus servus servorum Dei dilecto filio St(ephano)
1127 abbati Casae Dei salutem et apostolicam benedictionem. ...... 1156
Adrianus episcopus servus servorum Dei dilectis filiis universo Apr. 25. ...... Guarinus vide Warinus.
[PDF]Choix de livres anciens rares et curieux en vente la librairie ...
mer dans l'abbaj'e de St. Pierre in Coelo Aureo,dont il était l'abbé... Ce livre ...... Apr. (25 Martii) 1497, in-fol. Avec 13 grandes ...... Guarinus Veronensis. (Titre :).m '.m' rJlf. :v.,t. 1,11'. !*'<'.' t g!' 1. Jiiil i Wi'<"W ;:iK' nSil ...
S. i S. J Petrus a Albericus a Stephanus . . . .a Guarinus d. ...... Orig. in Arch. dep. du Calvados in Caen, Fonds de St.-Andre-en-Gouffern n. 11. — „(Desi- ...... 211. — „Dominus sapientia". 168 ALEXANDER III. 1159—1181. Apr. 25. 29. Mai. 2.Full text of "The Roman martyrology .." - Internet Archive
At Bologna, St. Guarinus, bishop of Palestrina and Cardinal, renowned for holiness ...... May 5 Angelus, St., M Oct. 13 Anian, St., B Apr. 25 Anian, St., D., M Nov.
Orthodox Saints of Western Europe (January-December ...
A monk at the monastery of St Ferreol, he was chosen abbot of the ...... Evodius, Hermogenes and Callista Apr 25 ? ...... Wannus (Guarinus, Warren) Aug 25
[PDF]letöltés - EPA - Országos Széchényi Könyvtár
Guarinus, Baptista 392 ..... Lambert, St. Omer-i 121 ...... Apr. 25. Baróthy. Ez. azt bizonyítja, hogy a szóban forgó lapszámot, mint problémásat, ekkor nézte át az ...orthodox saints of western europe (january-december)
8 Oct 2014 - A monk at the monastery of St Ferreol, he was chosen abbot of the monastery of St Marcellus in ...... Evodius, Hermogenes and Callista Apr 25
[PDF]The Roman martyrology ..
St. Elizabeth of Hungary, who gave her all ...... At Bologna, St. Guarinus, bishop ...... 4. Agathopodes, St., D...Apr. 25. Agathopus, St.,. M. Dec. 23. Agericus, St., B.[PDF]catalogus incunabulorum quae in bibliothecis ... - MEK
Veronensis. Cf. in VERGERIUS, Petrus Paulus: De ingenuis moribus. .....
sive Centones Vergilii. Brescia: Bernardinus Misinta, VIII. Kal. Apr. [25. Mart.].
Full text of "Printing at Brescia in the fifteenth century. A list ...
ST BRIDE FOUNDATION, BRIDE LANE, E.G., May 1905. CONTENTS PAGE ..... 215. 8 Kal. Apr. [25 Mar.] 1496. ..... Guarinus Veronensis. De aequivocis, 224.
[PDF]Philip Harr Page 1 1/5/2011 BC/AD JULIAN - Phil Harr
5 Jan 2011 - Nov 6 Pope St Symmachus' Synod @ St Peter's Basilica. ... Bishop St Eugenius of Carthage = Died in Exile. ...... Apr 25 Lunar Eclipse. ...... of Venice =Benedictine @request of Abbot Guarinus of Cuxa, St Romuald & Marinus.Internet Archive Search: (subject:"Reina, Casiodoro de" OR ...
Although Thomas Guarinus
is responsible for the greatest part, Apiarius no doubt had a part in
its productions. Topic: Bible. American Libraries. 2,306 2.3K.
User Account - Internet Archive
Les joutes faites à Paris en la rue Saint-Antoine huit jours après l'entrée du Roi Louis XII. May 16, 2013 05/13 ..... Apr 25, 2012 04/12. Apr 25, 2012. texts ...
[PDF]Philip Harr Page 1 1/5/2011 BC/AD JULIAN ... - Phil Harr
5 Jan 2011 - Apr 25 Lunar Eclipse. ...... Bishop St Guarinus (Guérin) of Sion (Abbot of St John of Aulps) = Died. ...... Apr 25 King St Louis IX of France = Born.Internet Archive Search: collection ...
Iphigénie (sainte) 1. Jean l'Évangéliste (saint 1 ... 1. Paroisse Saint-Étienne ( Senlis) 1. Peinture 1 ... Saints 1. Thomas Becket (saint 1 ... 1431-1503) 3 augustin (saint ; 0354-0430) 3 ..... Guarinus Veronensis. Mar 14 ..... Apr 25, 2012 04/12. texts ...
[PDF]Wejście do katalogu (plik PDF) - PAN
Simson P., Geschichte der Schule zu St. Petri und Pauli in Danzig, Danzig 1904. Słownik geograficzny ...... Apr. [25 III]. 1479. 2°. GW. 2885. — HC. ...... fängt unmittelbar, wie dieser Druck, an, ohne den Guarinus de arte etc. Somit scheint dieser ...
49 LONDON: WILLIAMS & NORGATE, 14, HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN, W.C. MCMV. ..... Apr. [25 Mar.] 1496. ... GUARINUS Veronensis.
Internet Archive Search: (collection ...
augustin (saint ; 0354-0430) 1. SHOW DETAILS .... Guarinus Veronensis. Mar 14, 2012 ... Guarinus Veronensis. — BASILIUS .... Venezia : Octavianus Scotus, octauo Calendas ianuarias [25 xii] 1483 [n. st.]. — 2°. ... Apr 25, 2012 04/12. texts ...
Internet Archive Search: (language:lat OR language:"Latin")
Guarinus Veronensis. Mar 14, 2012 03/12. by Plutarque (0046?-0120?); Basile de Césarée, Saint (0329?-0379). texts ... Guarinus Veronensis. — BASILIUS ...
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24 Apr 2014 - ... just to "unsend" the message.. o_O. #3 Ankita Katdare, Apr 25, 2014 ... Charles Guarinus Newbie. Engineering Discipline: IT. I was going to ...
Incunabula - Internet Archive
Guarinus Veronensis. Mar 14, 2012 03/12. by Plutarque (0046?-0120?); Basile de Césarée, Saint (0329?-0379). texts ... Guarinus Veronensis. — BASILIUS ...
Full text of "Census of fifteenth century books owned in ...
The Bibliographical Society of America held its first meeting at St. Louis on October 18, 1904. ...... May [Apr. 25]. f^ Ref: Pell 1480. ..... See Guarinus, 8127- 8132.
[PDF]HC 2203 (6). - MEK
Augsburg: Johann Bámler, Samstag vor St. Gallus [12. 154 ...... tibus, silvis, fontibus etc. Venezia: Manfredus de Bonellis, VIII. Kai. Apr. [25. ...... GUARINUS Vero-.
Roman Martyrology - Documents
documents.mx › Documents
26 Oct 2014 - At Bologna, St. Guarinus, bishop of Palestrina and Cardinal, ...... St., M others Apr. Apr. 16 Oct. Apr. 25 Carpus, St 14 Carterius, St., M., and M..
Full text of "Historiae patriae monumenta" - Internet Archive
1227, ?iov. 4, /, in ripa Padi, in terra ipsius ripae, Affo, St. di Gtiasialla^ I> 365. ...... (Si trova pure in estratto in doc. del 1347, apr. 25). ...... Guarinus Pazia, id.
Read the eBook Printing at Brescia in the fifteenth century. A ...
Apr. [25 Mar.] 1496. PROBA FALCONIA. Vergili centones. (B. 503 : Cracow, p. ..... Guarinus Veronensis. De aequivocis, 224. Hieronymus (B.), Episc. Stridoneus.
Internet Archive Search: subject:"Belles-lettres"
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Juliana Saint, of Nicomedia 1. Juliana, of Nicomedia, Saint, active 3rd century-4th century 1. Mercantile Library ..... Guarinus Veronensis. Mar 14, 2012 03/12.Full text of "A catalogue of the printed books in the library of ...
He was educated at St. Peter's School, then called the School in the Horse Fair, and graduated at St. ...... Basilece, Th. Guarinus, 1581 De Eepublica, M. 8vo. ...... 147 Dupont (John) Thanksgiving Sermon at Aysgarth, Apr. 25, 1749, B. 8vo.[PDF]Black & White - University of Toronto
Avenue and Fifty-ninth Street, the former home of the Arion. Society ...... 2 leaves and last 2 mended), Carvalho, A., Apr. 25, '17. (10) ...... Guarinus], 1569. 4to.[PDF]Untitled
St. Bonaventure's Seminary Year Book, 1918. StCh. St. Charles' ...... May [Apr. 25]Full text of "Chartularium imolense" - Internet Archive
Donna donat canonids S. T.aurentii arvi petiam cle fyndo Lacuna Magagnaga. ...... Testis et manus investitor Petrus Guarinus, Ugo Mazo, Petrus Fariolus, Rigo da Galisterna, Mulinarius Zampune, Zun- dellus, Rambertinus ...... apr. 25, Imolae[PDF]Catalogul colectiv al incunabulelor din România - cIMeC
parte din fondurile Muzeului Alexandre Saint-Georges şi ale. Bibliotecii Ion I.C. Brătianu, ...... Venezia : Manfredus de Bonellis , VIII. Kal. Apr. [25. Mart.] 1497. — 162 f. ; 2°. HC 3324=H 3322; GW ..... Guarinus Veronensis. — Brescia : Jacobus[PDF]Catalogul colectiv al incunabulelor din România - cIMeC
parte din fondurile Muzeului Alexandre Saint-Georges şi ale. Bibliotecii Ion I.C. Brătianu, ...... Venezia : Manfredus de Bonellis , VIII. Kal. Apr. [25. Mart.] 1497. — 162 f. ; 2°. HC 3324=H 3322; GW ..... Guarinus Veronensis. — Brescia : Jacobus ...
Warinus, S. - deutsch-lateinisches
de.academic.ru/dic.nsf/heiligen/32848/Warinus - Translate this page
ein Abt zu Corvey, gest. im J. 853 (S. Guarinus6. ... Als solcher gewährte er dem Abte Hilduwin von St. Denys für die Zeit seiner Verbannung freundliche ... Apr., 25. Oct.). Die Biographie des heil. Abtes Othmar (auch Otmar, Audemarus und ...[PDF]21,1 MB - PDF - EPA
1633. apr. 25. ...... kitűnő könyvkedvelő, kitől Guarinus ismételt kéréseivel sem birt kicsikarni ...... emeljék fel szavokal a puszta, és annak városai, a faluk st.b.
STREET, COVENT GARDEN, W.C.. MCMV. ...... Apr. [25 Mar.] 1496. Proba Falconia. Vergili centones. (B. ... GUARINUS Veronensis. De aequivocis. (Pr. 7043 :.
[PDF]S-1970a - Ateneo di Scienze Lettere ed Arti
[Milano, s.t., C. 14701. ...... Venezia, Manfredo Bonelli, VI11 kal. apr. [25 1111 1497. ...... ciaiolus, Guarinus Veronensis, Antonius Tudertinus, Leonardus Bru-.
Full text of "Beihefte zum Zentralblatt fuer Bibliothekswesen ...
1771 wurden 205 Hss. und 308 alte Drucke, welche die St. Markus- kirche zu Butzbach besass, und die vor der Reformation dem dazuge- hörigen ...... Guarinus. de Benedictes, Johannes Jacobus et Hieronvmus, de Bononia. ..... Apr. (25 Mart.) ...[PDF]Catalogul colectiv al incunabulelor din România - cIMeC
parte din fondurile Muzeului Alexandre Saint-Georges şi ale. Bibliotecii Ion I.C. Brătianu, ...... Venezia : Manfredus de Bonellis , VIII. Kal. Apr. [25. Mart.] 1497. — 162 f. ; 2°. HC 3324=H 3322; GW ..... Guarinus Veronensis. — Brescia : Jacobus
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