August 27 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28. All fixed commemorations below are ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well. Venerable ...
August 27 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) - Wikiwand
August 27 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) -
Updated: 2016-05-16T07:54Z. The Eastern Orthodox cross. Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well. Venerable ...
August 27 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) - Expand Your Mind
Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28 All fixed commemorations below are observed on ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
August 8 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
Aug. 7 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 9 All fixed commemorations below are observed on August ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well .
August 28 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
New Hieromartyr Chrysostomos (Kalafatis) of Smyrna, Metropolitan of Smyrna ( 1922); New Hieromartyr Nicholas Georgievsky, Priest (1931) ..... 3 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. ..... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
September 27 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
Aug. 25 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 27 All fixed commemorations below are observed on ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
Carpophorus - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
295), Christian soldiers martyred at Como Rufus and Carpophorus (Carpone), ... Secundianus and Comp. (Aug. 9th).” The cult of Gratian and Felinus rests on a shaky historical foundation. ..... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
Saint Phanourios - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
Saint Phanourios was awarded the Martyr's Crown in the Orthodox Christian faith . ... Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28 All fixed commemorations below are observed on ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
August 26 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) - Expand Your Mind
Aug. 25 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 27 All fixed ... New martyrs and confessors ...... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well. Venerable ...
Narnus - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
When this church was demolished in 1561, Narnus' relics , as well as those of his successor St. ... Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28 All fixed commemorations below are ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
Saint Narnus - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
When this church was demolished in 1561, Narnus' relics , as well as those of his successor St. ... Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28 All fixed commemorations below are ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
Bishop of Tagaste - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
Month, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec, Year. Average high °C (°F) ..... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well. Venerable ...
Tagaste - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
Month, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec, Year. Average high °C (°F) ..... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well. Venerable ...September 28 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
3 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 5 All fixed commemorations below are ..... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well. Venerable Theoklitos, aSaint Kuksha of the Kiev Caves - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
Saint Kuksha of the Kiev Caves (died after 1114) was a monk and martyr from the Kiev Pechersk ... Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28 All fixed commemorations below are ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
January 26 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) - Expand Your Mind
New Martyrs and Confessors. New Martyr Matushka Maria of Gatchina (1930); New Hieromartyr Cyril, ...... (Eastern Orthodox liturgics). topic. Aug. 7 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. .... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
March 26 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) - Trending Topics - Expand Your ...
Saint Eutychius, Subdeacon, of Alexandria (356) Holy 26 Martyrs in Gothia by burning, under ... August 8 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics). topic. Aug. 7 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. .... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
November 27 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
17 Monk-martyrs in India (4th century) Venerable Pinuphrius of Egypt (4th century) Great-Martyr ... Aug. 15 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 17 All fixed commemorations below are .... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
August 28 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
New Hieromartyr Chrysostomos (Kalafatis) of Smyrna, Metropolitan of Smyrna (Praulius of Jerusalem - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28 All fixed commemorations below are observed on ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
January 27 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
New Hieromartyr Peter (Zverev) of Voronezh (1929); New Hieromartyr Paul Dobromislov, ... His holy well still exists. He was ..... Aug. 8 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 10 All fixed .... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
Syagrius of Autun - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
Prev. Next. Discussion about "Syagrius of Autun" .... Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
January 18 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
Pre-Schism Western Saints Virgin-martyr Prisca , venerated from ancient times in Rome, ... New Martyrs and Confessors ...... Aug. 16 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 18 All fixed ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendar - Revolvy
Aug. 13 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 15 All fixed .... Holy 15 martyrs drowned at sea. Martyrs .... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
September 18 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) - Revolvy
New Hieromartyr Amphilochius (Skvortsov), Bishop of Krasnoyarsk. ...... Aug. 29 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 31 All fixed commemorations below are observed on September .... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
Hosius of Cordova - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
Elected to the see of Cordova about 295, he narrowly escaped martyrdom in the persecution of Maximian . ... Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28 All fixed commemorations ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
November 14 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
New Hieromartyr Theodore Grudakov, Priest (1940); New Hieromartyr Sergius Konstantinov, Priest (1941) ...... Aug. 15 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 17 All fixed ..... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well. Venerable ...
Theognostus of Kiev - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
Saints Martyrs Basil and Euphrasius, together with other Christians, in Thessaloniki . .... Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28 All fixed commemorations below are observed ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.Dagan (bishop) - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28 All fixed commemorations below are observed on ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
Archbishop of Jerusalem - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
Suheil Dawani: The new Anglican Bishop of Jerusalem; Miller, Duane Alexander (December 2007). ..... Aug. 25 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 27 All fixed commemorations below ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
November 26 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
"The Holy New Martyr George of Chios. ..... Aug. 25 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 27 All fixed .... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
Bishop of Couserans - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28 All fixed commemorations below are observed on ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
Saint Rufus - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
On 27 August, two martyrs named Rufus at Capua (see Rufus and Carpophorus ) -- one, whose ... Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28 All fixed commemorations below are ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
Bishop of Capua - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
First bishop of the diocese of Capua Nova ("New Capua") was Landulf (843–879) . ..... Aug. 25 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 27 All fixed commemorations below are observed on ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
Petershausen (Constance) - Expand Your Mind
A new settlement emerged after bishop Gebhard of Constance founded the imperial abbey of Petershausen . The settlement ... Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28 All fixed ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
Saint Decuman - Revolvy
Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28 All fixed commemorations below are observed on ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
The Baptism of the Eunuch - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28 All fixed commemorations below are observed on ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.Bergamo Treasure - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
The increasing power of his new neighbours caused Alboin some unease however, and he ..... Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28 All fixed commemorations below are ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
John of Pavia - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
362), Roman martyrs John of Egypt (d. 394) ... Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28 All fixed ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
Monica of Hippo - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28 All fixed commemorations below are observed on ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
St. Syagrius - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
St. Bassus , a martyr under Emperor Decius , is believed to have been the first Bishop of Nice. ...... Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28 All fixed commemorations below are ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
November 8 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) - Revolvy
11 Aug 2016 - Pre-Schism Western Saints The Four Crowned Martyrs (c. ... Aug. 25 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 27 All fixed commemorations below are observed on .... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
Great Lives - Expand Your Mind
Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28 All fixed commemorations below are observed on ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
Bishop of Sens - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
New York: Robert Appleton Company. ..... Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28 All fixed ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
Mern - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
1 Jan 2015 - However, in 1950 Syms returned to New York in order to work at the family's store , Merns. In 1959, Syms ..... Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28 All fixed ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
Mern - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
1 Jan 2015 - However, in 1950 Syms returned to New York in order to work at the family's store , Merns. In 1959, Syms ..... Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28 All fixed ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
August 18 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
Aug. 17 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 19 All fixed commemorations below are observed on ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
September 27 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) - Expand Your Mind
New Hieromartyr Herman (Kosolapov), Bishop of Volsk. ...... 25 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
Abbot of Saint-Pierre-le-Vif
New York: Robert Appleton Company. .... Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28 All fixed ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
Abbot of St. Pierre le Vif
Prev. Next. Discussion about "Abbot of St. Pierre le Vif" ..... Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
Licerius - Expand Your Mind
Prev. Next. Discussion about "Lycerius" .... Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28 All fixed ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
Rufus and Carpophorus - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
295) were Christians who were martyred at Capua during the reign of Diocletian . ... Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28 All fixed commemorations below are observed on ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
March 26 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
Saint Eutychius, Subdeacon, of Alexandria (356) Holy 26 Martyrs in Gothia by burning, under ... August 8 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics). topic. Aug. 7 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. .... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
Petershausen - Expand Your Mind
Next. Discussion about "Petershausen" .... Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28 All fixed ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
Saint-Pierre-le-Vif - Expand Your Mind
Prev. Next. Discussion about "Pierre le Vif" .... Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28 All fixed ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
January 18 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) - Expand Your Mind
Pre-Schism Western Saints Virgin-martyr Prisca , venerated from ancient times in Rome, where a church is ... New Martyrs and Confessors ...... 4 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. ..... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
Valaam Monastery - Expand Your Mind
New Valamo monastery in Heinävesi, Finland. .... Aug. 5 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. ..... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
Siege of Autun - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
Next. Discussion about "Siege of Autun" ..... Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28 All fixed ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
Petershausen (Constance) - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
A new settlement emerged after bishop Gebhard of Constance founded the imperial abbey of Petershausen . The settlement ... Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28 All fixed ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
Saint Rufus - Revolvy
On 27 August, two martyrs named Rufus at Capua (see Rufus and Carpophorus ) -- one, whose ... Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28 All fixed commemorations below are ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
Apollinaris of Ravenna - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
New York: Robert Appleton. Notes ..... Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28 All fixed ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
Bergamo Treasure - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
The increasing power of his new neighbours caused Alboin some unease however, and he ..... Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28 All fixed commemorations below are ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
August 14 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
13 Aug 2016 - Aug. 13 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 15 All fixed commemorations below are observed on ... 1007) Post-Schism Orthodox saints New Martyr Express yourself. ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.September 27 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
Aug. 25 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 27 All fixed commemorations below are observed on ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.Saint Phanourios - Expand Your Mind
Saint Phanourios was awarded the Martyr's Crown in the Orthodox Christian faith . ... Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28 All fixed commemorations below are observed on ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
August 28 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
New Hieromartyr Chrysostomos (Kalafatis) of Smyrna, Metropolitan of Smyrna (September 28 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
3 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 5 All fixed commemorations below are ..... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well. Venerable Theoklitos, a ...
September 14 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
Venerable New Martyr
Macarius of Thessaloniki and Mt. Athos, disciple of St. Niphon,
Patriarch of Constantinople (1527); Saint ..... July 30 - Eastern
Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 1 2005 ...... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
August 26 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
Aug. 25 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 27 All fixed ... New martyrs and confessors ...... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well. Venerable ...
September 28 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) - Expand Your Mind
New Martyr Anna Lykoshin, at Solovki Monastery (1925); New Hieromartyr Hilarion (Gromov), Hieromonk ...... Aug. 28 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 30 All fixed commemorations .... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
January 26 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
New Martyrs and Confessors. New Martyr Matushka Maria of Gatchina (1930); New Hieromartyr Cyril, ...... (Eastern Orthodox liturgics). topic. Aug. 7 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. .... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.August 27 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) - Wikipedia
16 May 2016 - Saint Poemen of Palestine (605); Great-martyr Phanourios the Newly-Revealed, of Rhodes. Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
August 26 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) - Revolvy
Aug. 25 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 27 All fixed ... New martyrs and confessors ...... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well. Venerable ...
November 27 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
17 Monk-martyrs in India (4th century) Venerable Pinuphrius of Egypt (4th century) Great-Martyr ... Aug. 15 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 17 All fixed commemorations below are .... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
August 27 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) - Wikipedia Republished // WIKI 2
16 May 2016 - Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well. ... Hieromartyr Kuksha and St. Pimen the Faster, of the Near Caves in Kiev (after 1114) ...
Praulius of Jerusalem - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28 All fixed commemorations below are observed on ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
November 27 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
17 Monk-martyrs in India (4th century) Venerable Pinuphrius of Egypt (4th century) Great-Martyr ... Aug. 15 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 17 All fixed commemorations below are .... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.August 27 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) | World Public Library - eBooks ...
August 27 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics). Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28. All fixed ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
Sukovo - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
Prev. Next. Discussion about "Sukovo" .... Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28 All fixed ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
August 27 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) | Project Gutenberg Self ...
August 27 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics). Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28. All fixed ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
Sukovo - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
Prev. Next. Discussion about "Sukovo" .... Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28 All fixed ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
September 18 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
New Hieromartyr Amphilochius (Skvortsov), Bishop of Krasnoyarsk. ...... Aug. 29 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 31 All fixed commemorations below are observed on September .... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
Syagrius of Autun - Revolvy
Prev. Next. Discussion about "Syagrius of Autun" .... Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
Theognostus of Kiev - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
Prev. Next. Discussion about "Theognostus of Kiev" ..... Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
Liberius of Ravenna - Expand Your Mind
Prev. Next. Discussion about "Liberius of Ravenna" ..... Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.August 27 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) Julian Calendar ... - World Library
Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well. Venerable Theoklitos, a Magistros from Constantinople who retired from the world and took the monastic habit, ...Cyprian, Metropolitan of Kiev - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy,%20Metropolitan%20of%20Kiev
History The history of the Russian Orthodox Church, as well as other Eastern Orthodox Church bodies in ..... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendar - Expand Your Mind
Aug. 13 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 15 All fixed commemorations below are observed on ..... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
Theognostus of Kiev - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
Saints Martyrs Basil and Euphrasius, together with other Christians, in Thessaloniki . .... Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28 All fixed commemorations below are observed ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
March 26 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
Saint Eutychius, Subdeacon, of Alexandria (356) Holy 26 Martyrs in Gothia by burning, under ... August 8 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics). topic. Aug. 7 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. .... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
Gebhard of Constance - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28 All fixed commemorations below are observed on ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
Saint Rufus - Expand Your Mind
Saints Rufus and Zosimus (died 107 AD) are 2nd century Christian martyrs venerated by the ..... Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28 All fixed commemorations below are ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.November 8 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics) - Expand Your Mind
11 Aug 2016 - Pre-Schism Western Saints The Four Crowned Martyrs (c. ... Aug. 25 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 27 All fixed commemorations below are observed on .... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.Saint Syagrius - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28 All fixed commemorations below are observed on ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
Apollinaris of Ravenna - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
However, the acts of the martyrdom of Saint Apollinaris have scarcely any historical value; they ..... Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28 All fixed commemorations below are ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
Cousin Sam: August 27 in history
27 Aug 2013 - 1776: In what is now Brooklyn, New York, British forces under General William Howe .... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well
Great Lives - Expand Your Mind - Revolvy
Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28 All fixed commemorations below are observed on ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
Siege of Toul - Expand Your Mind
Aug. 26 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Aug. 28 All fixed commemorations below are observed on ... Martyr Anthousa the New, by drowning in a well.
The Baptism of the Eunuch - Revolvy

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