Today: DAVID, Alexius, Basil, Manuel, George of the Empire of Trebizond, Info, Nov 18, 2016


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Nov 18, 2016

DAVID, Alexius, Basil, Manuel, George of the Empire of Trebizond, Info, Nov 18, 2016

Full text of "Haydn's univeral index of biography from ... - Internet Archive
The great grandson of the latter, George Louis, became king o£ England in 1714. .... and the treaty for sale of the Danish West Indian islands of St. Thomas and St. ...... He succeeded his father, Nov. 18, 185 1. ...... 12 April, 1204 Alexis I. — IV., Comnenus, emperors uf Trebizond. I. 6. ...... Basil, emperor of Trebizond, 1332; d.

Full text of "Haydn's univeral index of biography from ... - Internet Archive
The great grandson of the latter, George Louis^ became king of England in 17 14. ...... K^ (George married, October 27, 1867, in the chapel of the Winter Palace at St. ... He succeeded his father, Nov. 18, 185 1. ...... X2 April, 1904 Alexis I. — IV., Comnenus, emperors of Trebizond. L b. ...... Basil, emperor of Trebizond, 1332; d.

Full text of "Haydn's universal index of biography ... - Internet Archive
At the death of Augustus William George in 1771 the line of Baden Baden ...... George married, October 27, 1867, in the chapel of the Winter Palace at St. ...... on . .12 April, 1204 Alexis I. — IV., Comnenus, emperors of Trebizond. ...... and reigned with him, 1381; yielded the throne to his brother Manuel II. ...... 20 Nov. 18 13.

Full text of "Specimen Pages, Prospectus, & Opinions of Haydn's ...
At the death cf Augustus William George in 177 1 the line of Baden Baden ..... and the treaty for sale of the Danish West Indian islands of St. Thomas and St. ...... 2oSepti8i5 Established the kingdom of Poland, Nov. 18 15 Died X Dec. ... X2 April, X204 Alexis I. — IV., Comnenus, emperors of Trebizond. I. 6. ...... Basil, Saint ; b.

Full text of "Haydn's universal index of biography ... - Internet Archive
LONDON : EDWARD MOXON & CO., 44, DOVER STREET, W. Digitized by Google AUS ..... At the death of Augustus William George in 1 77 1 the line of Baden Baden ...... He succeeded his father, Nov. 18, 1851. ...... IV., Comnenus, eui]>erors of Trebizond. ...... Anna Comnena, daughter of Alexis I., emperor of the East ; b.

Full text of "Chronology for schools, a revised abridgment of the ...
Andronicus Comnenus, emperor of the East, puts t6 death the young Alexius II. ... Alexis IIL Angelus, the Tyrant, emperor of the East : he usurped the throne, ... the emperor Alexius III. ; and that of Trebizond, under Alexius and David Comne- nus ...... Battle of St. James, near Basil : the Swiss defeat the army of the Armagnacs.

Full text of "Blair's chronological tables, revised and ... - Internet Archive
David sole king, in alliance with Mardokempad. ... Syria subject to David. a.rchoxs of Athens, Death of Co drus, Me- don the first ...... Alexis, the comic poet, fl. ...... Birth of Hieronymus (St. Jerome). .... Gregory of Nazianzus and Basil of Csesarea are students at Athens. ...... Alexius Comnenus founds the empire of Trebizond.

Full text of "A brief biographical dictionary" - Internet Archive
Sicilian Philosopher and Civilian 1601* — 1665 Absalom, son of David King of Israel . ...... Czar of Russia 1690 — Jidy 7, 1718 Alexis del Arco. ... 1700 Alexius I., Comnenus. ...... Hebrew Scholar and Printer 1679 — 1758 Basil, St. The Great. ...... Theosophist 1575 — Nov. 18, 1624 Bohmer, John Frederick, of Frankfort.

Full text of "A universal biographical dictionary : containing the lives of ...
ABBOT, George, archbishop of Canterbury, born 1562, at Guildford, in Surry. .... ABSALOM, sou of king David, distinguished for his persona! acquirements, his ...... ALEXIS, William, a benedictine monk of Lyra, and author of poems of some merit, lived ...... BASIL, St., bishop of Caesarea, persecuted hv Valens, for refusing to ...

Full text of "Blair's chronological tables revised and enlarged"
1049 Mardokempad. Mesessimorda- David sole king, in alliance with Hiram, king of Syria. cus, Layard. ...... Alexis, the comic poet, fl. ...... Gregory of Nazianzus and Basil of Csesarea are students at Athens. ... The cathedral of St. Sophia is dedi- cated at Constantinople. ...... Alexius Comnenus founds the empire of Trebizond.

Full text of "Blair's chronological tables, revised and ... - Internet Archive
David sole king, in alliance with Hiram, king of Syria. y Google 1128 TO 1049 B.C. 13 dilating. ...... Pbilistus defeated and slain : Ion rules at Syracuse, Alexis, the comic poet, fl. ..... I'he army of Antigonus, under bis son Demetrlua Poliorcetes, de- feated st ...... Gregory of Maxiansus and Basil of Cnsarea are students at Athena.

Full text of "A universal biographical dictionary, containing the lives of ...
ALEXIUS, or ALEXIS I., Commenus, usurp- ed tbe throne of Turkey in 1061, and distin- ..... George d% bom in 1460, and be- ; archbisnop of Narbonne, and afterwards Kgypt,1510. ... His son, John, was professor of law at Basil, and the friend of Erasmus. ...... ASSER, of St. David's, a learned author in the reign of Alfred.

Full text of "Compendium of chronology:" - Internet Archive
Birth of Ohed, the son of Boaz by Ruth, from ivhom David descended. ..... epimenides, an epic poet of Crete (quoted by St. Paul, Titus i. 12.) ...... Alexius III. ; and that of Trebizond, under Alexius and David Comnenus, ...... [1852— A.C. by his son, George Frederick) ; of Don Manuel Godoy (the ... His public funeral {Nov. 18.) ...

Full text of "The book of dignities; containing lists of the official ...
St. Michael and St PAGE Star of India- PAGE Indian Empire — PAGK George ...... Eugenius IV., Gabriel Condelmerio ; dep. by the council of Basil, and ...... Alexius II., Comnenus, son, under the regency of the empress Maria, his mother. 1183. ...... 1349. Alexis III. 1390. Manuel III. 1417. Alexis IV. 1446. John IV. 1458. David.

Full text of "Lempriéres biographical dictionary : or, Sketches of the ...
AI^SALOM, son of king David, difrtinguished for his personal acquirenien:s, his .... ACROPOLITA, George, one of the writeri of the Byzantine history, born at ...... ALEXIS, William, a benedictine monk of Lyra, and author of poems of some merit, lived in ...... BASIL, St., bishop of Caesarea, persecuted bv Valens, for refusing to ...

Full text of "A Universal Biographical Dictionary Containing the Lives ...
ABIGAIL, wife of Nabal, married to David after Nabal*e death, 1057, B. C. ..... Before tbe arrival of king George, be was made secretary to the regency, and was ...... ALEXIS, WiiUam, a beaedktine monk of Lyra, and author of poems of some ...... BASIL, St., bishop of Cesarea, persecuted by Valens, for refusing to embrace ...

Full text of "An index of dates, a complete index to the enlarged ed. of ...
Keith, George, earl marischsl, founds Marischal College, Aberdeen, 168S. .... Masoud I., 1166— defeats tiie emperor Manuel I. at Myriokepbalon, 1176— ex- pelled ...... Labcabis, Alexis and_ Isaac, brothers of Theodore I., on the elevation of John III. ... 1673— dean of Glouces- ter, bp. of St. David's, 1621— of Bath and Wells, ...

Full text of "The Civil Service Chronology: The Chronology of History ...
One of David*s first cares was to establish a stately " service of song in the house of ...... Gregory of Nazianzus, and Basil of Caesarea, study at Athens together. ...... Death of Alexius Comnenus, Emperor of the East, under whose able rule the declining ...... St. George's chapel, Windsor, commenced by Bishop Beauchamp.

Full text of "The new Schaff-Herzog encyclopedia of ... - Internet Archive
GEORGE WILLIAM GILMORE, M.A. New York, Formerly Professor of Biblical History ... ALEXIS IRENEE DU PONT COLEMAN, M.A., Instructor in English, College of the City .... DAVID SCHLEY SCHAFF, D.D., Professor of Church History, Western ... Ambrose, Saint, of Milan: J. E. Niederhuber, Die Eschatologie des heiligen ...

[PDF]The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, Vol. II ...
and Pastor of St. Michael's Church, Hamburg. ... ALEXIS IRENÉE DU PONT COLEMAN, ...... arisen from such versions, in 878 the emperor Basil the Macedonian had a handbook ...... ment of Ariège, Nov. 18, 1647; d. at Rotterdam Dec. ...... Manuel Comnenus, who adorned it with mosaics, of which work but little remains,.

2. The Old Testament. - Christian Classics Ethereal Library
ALEXIS IRENÉE DU PONT COLEMAN, M.A., Instructor in English, College of the City of New York. .... DAVID SCHLEY SCHAFF, D.D., Professor of Church History, Western .... The Life of Christ according to St. Mark, London, 1907. ...... It was thoroughly restored by the emperor Manuel Comnenus, who adorned it with ...

2. The Old Testament. - Christian Classics Ethereal Library
GEORGE WILLLAM GILMORE, M.A. New York, Formerly Professor of Biblical ... ALEXIS IRENÉE DU PONT COLEMAN, M.A., Instructor in English, College of the ...... and since 1898 has been principal of St. David's College, Lampeter, Wales. ...... It was thoroughly restored by the emperor Manuel Comnenus, who adorned it ...

[RTF]Sera - Christian Classics Ethereal Library
Saint Augustine of Hippo, with Introduction by the Bishop of . .... CAMBRIDGE PLATONISTS: E. A. George, The Seventeenth Century Men of Latitude; ...... and reviewed the Leben Jesu of David Friedrich Strauss, who had been his fellow ...... It was thoroughly restored by the emperor Manuel Comnenus, who adorned it with ...

schaff-herzog encyclopedia - Christian Classics Ethereal Library
ALEXIS IB$N*E ~DU FONT COLEXAN, Instructor in English, college of the city of New York. .... DAVID SCHLEY SCHAFF, D.D., Professor of Church History, Western Theological .... The Life of Christ according to St. Mark, London, 1907. ...... It was thoroughly restored by the emperor Manuel Comnenus, who adorned it with ...
Bernard, Saint, of Clairvaux: On Consideration, Translated by George Lewis, London, ..... in 878 the emperor Basil the Macedonian had a handbook put together, ...... m. w. of Pamiers), department of Ariège, Nov. 18, 1647; d. at Rotterdam Dec. ...... It was thoroughly restored by the emperor Manuel Comnenus, who adorned it ...

Full text of "The new American cyclopædia: a popular dictionary of ...
The borough ity of David, earl of llontiDgdcD, and yonngei BRUCE 7 brother ..... the sign, Au lUm Bdgt, thedral of St. Saviour, and Uie hospital of St BRUGES, ..... His em, the noblest and most massively constraoted most important work is a Manuel .... The manufactures are inconsiderable, of Brunswick, queen of George IV.

Full text of "The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of ... - Internet Archive
ALEXIS IB&NAe DU PONT OOLEKAN, AL. .... DAVID SCHLEY SGHAFF, D.D., Professor of Church History, Western Theological ... Ambrose, Saint, of Milan: J. E. Niederhuber, Die Eschaiologie des heiligen Ambrosius, Paderbom, 1907. ...... It was thorougldy restored by the emperor Manuel Comnenus, who adorned it with ...

[PDF]The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, Vol. II ...
by P Schaff - ‎Related articles
11 Jan 2000 - and Pastor of St. Michael's Church, Hamburg. ... ALEXIS IRENÉE DU PONT COLEMAN,. M.A., ..... CAMBRIDGE PLATONISTS: E. A. George, The ...... emperor Basil the Macedonian had a handbook put together, ...... Manuel Comnenus, who adorned it with mosaics, of which work but little remains, though a.

And like Basilides and Mani, the Koran maintains that Jesus did not die on the cross, 'they .... Edward Granville Brown, in St Bart's Hospital Journal (March 1897)

First Swedish Crusade - Google+
May 18 – St. Erik, King of Sweden, Martyr – According to legends, Erik did ..... In Eastern Europe, Byzantium revived its fortunes under Emperor Basil I and his ..... in response to a request from the Byzantine Emperor Alexios I Komnenos for aid ..... Also, contrary to common belief, David Lindberg writes, "the late medieval ...
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